DCU Community Spotlight #7

Feb 10, 2009 09:12

Here we are again! What's that? I missed a week? I have no idea what you're talking about... *shifty eyes*

Anyway! This week's theme is female characters (I'll tackle crossover comms next time, since I previously promised it), and it just so happens that we have 3 brand spanking new comms to spotlight!

1. In response to the need for a community to cover this genre, dcu_femslash is the place for *all* f/f DCU pairings. Whether you like Harley/Ivy, Diana/Dinah, Lois/Lana, or Rose/M'gann, this is the place to find it or to post it.

2. Bucking the Harley/Joker trend, a_b_joker is the place for everything Harley Quinn, paired with (you guessed it!) anyone but the Joker! It's also a place to discuss her positive growth as a character, and where she might go next in the comics.

3. Created in order to celebrate Chlo-Lo Love Week, iconic_cousins is the place to explore the Chloe-Lois cousin relationship in a positive light. No Chlois theory allowed. Chlo-Lo Love week runs from February 16th-22nd.

That's all for now! Have a great week, everyone!

community spotlight

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