DCU Bang 2019 Ao3 Collection is open!
Posting Guidelines are here.
Stories will be revealed daily, at about 5PM Mountain Time. Here is a time converter for you! On the "Converted Time" clock, select "Change your Location" and input your own information to see what time that is for you, daily. (The date, November 3rd is irrelevant.)
What time is that for me? Days I am away: I will be at a con October 18-20, so the reveals might be several hours late. I will try my best to get stories revealed at about 5PM as planned, but it could be much later, such as 10PM, or even later.
If you still haven’t claimed a date, please make sure to do so right here:
Reveals Date Claiming Form. If you need to use the amnesty period, this is no problem, just select a date between October 27th and November 2, so that I can mark you down on my end!
I also want to remind everyone that if you need to drop out, please just let me know! If you are Tandem or Solo, there are no consequences for dropping out, if you are Traditional, however, there can be consequences. Please reach out to me if you need help, I'm very willing to work with people that contact me!
Reveal Dates Schedule
If you do not see your story on this list, it means you have not claimed a reveal date yet, so please do so ASAP from the link above! If any of the information is incorrect, get in contact with me so I can fix it. I'm also willing to move your reveal date, if you need me to do so. =D
Items are listed as:
(Author) - (Artist/Fanworker) | (Story Title)
Saturday, October 5
@proosh / qosm - shokuheshi | Fly With Me
GavotteAndGigue - Fleet_of_Red | Stay My Tragedy
Reah22 - Nightwinginitart | New Horizons
Oracle - Workingchemistry (tumblr and Ao3) | Hold Me Tight (or Don't)
Redzik - Fancy_Dragonqueen | You’re saving Blüdhaven but who saves you?
Sunday, October 6
Skalidra - clarityhiding | Don't Let Your Yearnings Get Ahead of Your Earnings
kuro49 - Marourin | the bad man
Monday, October 7
Tuesday, October 8
mizmahlia | What Could Have Been
Wednesday, October 9
clarityhiding - gwenfrankenstien | Forth My Mimic Comes
GoddessofRoyalty - CatKIR | How to Lose a Robin
Thursday, October 10
ScandalSavage - Airdanteine | Unfortunate Souls
goose - catkir | Basic Mandarin for Lazy Vigilantes
AxisMage - anoncitomikolino | Passion to a stranger
Friday, October 11
elareine - Jellzu | The Sacredness of Tears
kuro49 - fleet-of-red | you're at a loss to start
chibi_nightowl - snowzapped | The Onesie Wonder
calamityjade/elwon - anoncitomikolino | Build Yourself Back Together
Saturday, October 12
cadkitten - Jellzu | Daily Gab
Cuzosu - Anonyan | A Bit(e) Wild
Behindtherobinsmask - Klayr_de_Gall | Sleeping Beauty Syndrome
Sunday, October 13
Skalidra - reisling | Honey Trap
Monday, October 14
FleetSparrow - CrabbyMaiden | Pussycat, Pussycat, Where Have You Been?
graysonofgotham - wilde_stallyn | The Nightingale
frozenflash - Emmatheslayer | The Past Still Ties You Down
Tuesday, October 15
saekokato - Fancy_Dragonqueen | Happy Middles
Bebbie_The_Hufflepuff - feelingwhimsy - Fleet_of_Red | Broken Wings and Notched Arrows
Resacon1990 - dazebras | what if we rewrite the stars?
bookofodym - Self Esteem
isawet - reisling | your continental divides
Wednesday, October 16
Thursday, October 17
Sevidri - Huntress79 | Make an Ass of U and Me
Chromiumsky | Season of the witch - the young sentinel-
Friday, October 18
saekokato - vertigod | Moon Dust On Your Lips
Fancy_Dragonqueen - clarityhiding | Of Pets and Vigilantes
Saturday, October 19
graysonofgotham - slippin_into_darkness (ao3) acastleintheair (Tumblr) | Between Flight
Moriavis - Huntress79 | In Between
Spiritsflame - elareine | Build Me A Place (we'll call it home)
join_the_conga - Klayr_de_Gall | Little Scab
firefright - pentapus | An Unexpected Find
Sunday, October 20
Talraven - Airdanteine | where monsters lie (in dead men's dreams)
likeabomb - feelingwhimsy | You Will See Me
silveronthetree - Lex_of_Gotham | Masks
TheDistantSun - Huntress79 | Absent Shadows
geckoholic - crow-sizna | Don’t You Ask Me (When I Fell In Love)
blackrose_17 | Lost Bird
salvadore - empires | no empty towns (tentative)
Amnesty Week October 27-November 2
FleetSparrow - 2bnallegory | The Case of the Missing Son
TheSpeedforce | School's out
raktajinos | Waves|Tides
Airdanteine - Slifer The Sky Noodle | There Be Dragons
Airdanteine - Crow Sizna | Skyscrapers of Singapore
empires - cherrymiko | words unspoken, hearts unbroken (tentative)
If you have any questions or concerns, here is the
Page-A-Mod Post. You can also contact the mods at, sending a PM to
luciferxdamien, or by messaging LuciferxDamien on the
DCU Bang Discord server.