I’ve been a little under the weather the last few days, which is why this is very late. Claims are now closed!
Please remember to
check-in! There are still a lot of participants that haven’t checked in yet. This check-in is mandatory for everyone, including solo authors and tandem artists. If you are a tandem artist, you also need to check-in. If your author doesn’t have a title for their story yet, that’s fine, just put “tandem - (author’s username)” so that I can mark you as checked in! Missing two check-ins in a row will cause you to be dropped from the Bang, so make sure to get checked in ASAP!
If you have any questions or concerns, here is the
Page-A-Mod Post. You can also contact the mods at dcubang@gmail.com, sending a PM to
luciferxdamien, or by messaging LuciferxDamien on the
DCU Bang Discord server.