Story Title: Underground
Author(s): Airdanteine
Beta Reader(s): NIL
Word Count: 16201
Story Rating: Explicit
Warnings: NIL
Characters/Pairings: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd/Roy Harper, Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane, Court of Owls, Talons
Fandom/Universe: Batman, Under the Red Hood
Story Link:
UndergroundTumblr Reblog Link: NIL
Summary: Roy's successful Star City drug trade mob, the Arsenal, is looking to expand in the East Coast: specifically, Gotham. The Red Hoods have taken interest-not only in expanding trade, but his eclectic leader has special interest in Star City's red-head maniac. The boys take to Gotham's finest underground strip club to celebrate, and come across a beauty so divine, so graceful on the pole that they had to take this Dick Grayson home. But the bad boys better watch out-beneath the drapes of his dress lies a cold, engraved badge.
Fanwork Title: Title: Art for Underground
Fanworker: Crow-Sizna
Fanwork Rating: Explicit
Warnings: NIL
Fanwork Link:
Art for Underground Tumblr Reblog Link: NIL