Hello again everyone! Just as the first check-in, this second check-in is not mandatory, but there is a lot of information here that is important for both artists and authors, so please read through! (It also helps me to know who is still with us and it’s fun to share progress, so if you can, please drop in and leave a comment. =D)
Just as with the first check-in, feel free to share what you've been working on! I love hearing about all your stories, and the sense of community and sharing that this gives! =D
I’ve got another progress survey to fill out! It’s not necessary, but it does let me know where everyone is at the moment, and if someone needs help finding a beta-reader!
Second DCU Bang Progress survey Everyone should have gotten this check-in emailed to them, if you have not, please let me know ASAP. Rough drafts will be due August 21st and if I do not have a valid and working email, that can cause your story to not go up for artist claims!!!
Artist sign-ups are still open! So if you or someone you know is thinking about signing up as an artist, please be sure to do that! Artist sign-ups close September 1st. If you are an artist that is waiting for claims to open to decide to sign-up, this is fine! Just remember to sign-up before or soon after you claim a story, I must have an email in order to match you with your author! Summaries go up a day before claiming begins, so be on the lookout for that on August 24th. Stories open up for claiming August 25th, at Noon MDT.
It’s time to start thinking about finding a beta reader if you do not have one already! The DCU Bang Discord server has a channel dedicated to finding beta readers, so if you haven’t joined already, feel free to do so!
DCU Bang Discord server The Discord server is a great way to keep in touch with people, find motivation (we’ve got a sprint bot for writing!), and pair up with a beta-reader or even an artist! We’ve also got a channel for finding a cheerleader, if you’re just needing an extra little push without a full-on beta reader. =D (But a beta-reader is still required!!!)
Now is also a good time to be considering dropping out if you need to. It’s okay! Life gets in the way and so long as you drop out before your story is claimed by an artist there are no consequences. =D If you are feeling like you want to continue your story, but are not sure you can finish, consider switching to the solo track, where there are no consequences if you can’t finish your story by the end of November.
Please read through everything regardless of what track you chose!
Artists: Hello there! If you have signed up as a "Tandem Artist", make sure you're in contact with your author! If your author has not responded in awhile, give them another nudge, and if they do not respond, please let me know ASAP!
If you signed up as a "Solo Artist", hopefully your solo piece or pieces are going well! Feel free to drop into the DCU Bang Discord server to share your progress!
If you signed up as a "Traditional Artist", well you've got a little more time until claims begin, but you can still come take part in the discussions on the DCU Bang Discord server, and here in the comments as well! If a story strikes your fancy, consider reaching out to the author and pairing up with them early!
10k Traditional Big Bang Authors: 10k Traditional Bang Authors, now is the time to decide if you have to step down to the 5k Mini-Bang. Maybe your story doesn't want to be told in a lot of words! This is okay. As long as you are certain your story will reach at least 5k, or already has reached 5k and you are unsure it will stretch to 10k, you can ask to switch to the 5k Mini-Bang. This will not affect your eligibility to receive art at all. It's an option to make things a little less stressful, if you feel your story won't make it to 10k! (And if it still goes over 10k, that's great too!)
5k Mini-Bang Authors: For the 5k Mini-Bang, there is no option to drop to an even lower word count, however, if you signed up as "Traditional", you can switch to "Solo" with no consequences if you can't finish. If you still wish to have your story claimed for art, try to get at least 80% finished, which is 4k words, by August 21st. Don't stress and push yourself! This is supposed to be fun, after all! It's okay to switch to the "Solo" track, or even drop out, if you need to. So long as your story has not been claimed by an Artist, there are no consequences to dropping out.
Traditional Author 10k/5k: If you chose to have your story claimed at the end of August, please read through this carefully. If you're nearing the end of your story, that's great! (And feel free to share a snippet in the comments!!!) If you are unsure if you will finish, 10k Traditional Authors may step down to the 5k Mini-Bang, or choose to go "Solo", 5k Mini-Bang Authors can choose to go "Solo". The other option, of course, is to drop out, and this is okay! Life happens, things get in the way, and muses flee. So long as your story has not been claimed by an Artist, there are no consequences to dropping out. Also! Make sure you've got a beta, or are looking for one if you do not yet have one! All stories, 10k or 5k in length, must be beta-read by at least one person!
Tandem Author 10k/5k: If you chose to work with an artist from the beginning, please read through this carefully. Hopefully you have been in good contact with your artist and things are going well! However, if your artist has not been in contact with you, try to reach out to them one more time, and then let me know ASAP if they still do not reply! In the case of an artist that needs to drop out for any reason beforehand or has stopped responding, the author can still have their story put up for Claims on August 24th! If both the artist and author need to drop out, there are no consequences, at any time, even after posting has begun!
Solo Author 10k/5k: If you chose not to be paired with an artist, please read through this carefully. Any author signed up as "Solo" has the opportunity to change to "Traditional", however, only do this if you are absolutely certain you can finish. If you are still unsure that you can finish but want to try, the "Solo" track has no consequences, should you be unable to finish!
Unsure Author 10k/5k: If you chose "Unsure" during your sign-up, please read this very carefully! Any author who signed up as "Unsure" must pick either solo or traditional. A separate email to all authors who chose "Unsure" will be going out soon, and a reply is required, so I know what track to switch you to! If I do not hear back from an author signed up as "Unsure" before the time rough drafts are due, you will automatically be switched to the "Solo" track.
Rough drafts are due August 21st, and 80% of your story must be complete by then, to have your story go up for Claims! At least 8k/4k needs to be complete, with the rest at least outlined and an ending in mind. I will be checking for the minimum word count when rough drafts are sent in to me, however, for example, 80% of a 20k fic is 16k, so keep this in mind! If I do not get a rough draft before Summaries go up on August 24th, you will automatically be switched to the Solo Author track.
More information about rough draft submission will be coming out a few days before August 21st, when rough drafts are due. (I plan to get the rough draft submission information post out around August 15th, so those that need to submit a little early can do so! However, if this is still not early enough contact me ASAP. If you need to submit your rough draft before August 15th, email me at: dcubang (at) gmail (dot) com, with the subject "Early Rough Draft Submission (username)" and the username you signed up under. After that, I will email out all the important information needed to submit your rough draft so your story can be put up for claims!)
Whew! I know that was a lot to get through! Thank you everyone for reading through this, and as always, never hesitate to get in contact with me, either at
Page-A-Mod, the Discord server, or emailing me at dcubang (at) gmail (dot) com.
Now! Let’s see some snippets, if you’re comfortable sharing, of course!
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