Hello everyone, this is the first check-in for DCU Bang 2020! This check-in is NOT mandatory, but it's a good idea to take a look at the check-in survey, to see how the rest of the mandatory check-ins will be handled.
This check-in is for author’s only, so fanworkers, sit tight. The survey is to track story progress, but don’t stress out! Even if you haven’t started yet, please still fill out the survey. This really helps me further on, when story claiming begins, just so I have an idea of where everyone is at and what to expect.
The most important thing when filling out the survey is make sure you use the same email address that was used in your sign-up, so that I can check you off. If you do not remember which email you used to sign-up, a copy of the Google Survey should have been sent to you when you signed up. If you still cannot find it, please contact me and I will check on my end!
Check-In #1 Survey Fanworker sign-ups are still open until July 18th!
Please feel free to use this post to talk about your projects, if you wish! I hope everyone is as excited as I am to see what we create! <3
Regarding story claims and rough drafts:
60% of your story will be due, if you want your story claimed by a fanworker. Tandem and solo authors do not send in rough drafts. It’s still a good goal to reach for tandem and solo authors! 60% is fairly nebulous, and all I am really looking for is about half of a rough draft written, and the rest mostly figured out. And I do mean rough, it’s okay if you know you need to go back and fix some things. This isn’t expected to be polished writing!
In numbers, I will be expecting 3k minimum words for the 5k Mini-Bang and 6k minimum words for the 10k Big Bang, and then the rest outlined with an ending in mind. This is so that fanworkers have at least a few scenes to pick from to create something! It will also be really important to communicate with your fanworker, in the case of a major story change!!!
If you are writing a story that will be significantly longer than the 5k/10k minimum, try to get as close to 60% finished as you can by story claims, but I do understand that it may not be possible for a really long story! Please use your best judgement and decide for yourself if you can get your story finished by November.
It’s not too late to pair up with a fanworker and switch to the Tandem Path! If you find a fanworker to work with, just let me know and I will get that changed on my end. The
Discord server is a great place to find a partner.
The second second check-in is July 1st, and it is non-mandatory! Rough drafts will be accepted between July 1st and July 8th. Story previews will be posted on the DreamWidth, LiveJournal, and Tumblr accounts, however, story claims will only be accepted on the DreamWidth account, or via email, on a first-come, first-served basis. Fanworkers claiming a story through any other method will have their claims rejected. There will be more info on this in the second check-in, and of course full instructions will be provided once rough drafts are due, but if anyone has any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! I can’t help if I don’t know there is an issue!
If you have any questions, concerns, here is the
Page-A-Mod Post You can also contact the mods via, dcubang@gmail.com, or by sending a PM on DreamWidth/LiveJournal to
luciferxdamien, or sending a DM on
Discord to LuciferxDamien.
Twitter and Tumblr are NOT the quickest way to get in touch with me, as those accounts are not checked as frequently. If your matter is urgent, Discord or email are the quickest way to receive a response!