2020 DCU Bang Sign-Ups Open!

Apr 01, 2020 18:58

Hello everyone! Sign ups are now open! Please make sure you have read the DCU Bang Guidelines and FAQs before signing up!

Please provide an email address that you check frequently as all check-ins and important announcements will be emailed. We also need a good email address for author/fanworker match-ups!

After signing up, you will receive an automated email from Google with a copy of your sign up within 24 hours. If you do not receive this email, please let us know! Mods will be sending out a different sign-up confirmation email within 72 hours of signing up, to confirm that we got your sign up. If you do not receive an email from us after 72 hours, please get in contact with us, as we do need a working email!

We will do our best to keep the Discord server aware of any times that we might be away and responses slow, so it’s a good idea to join! It’s also a good idea to join and friend this community - all check-ins, reminders, and announcements will come through here, so you'll have to watch us to stay informed!

General Information
Please make sure you have read the DCU Bang Guidelines and FAQs before signing up!

If you are working in tandem with a fanworker/author, list their username(s) and email address(es). Please do not sign up until you have this information. Please have only one person from your group do the sign up and provide all the necessary information, usernames and email.

The fandom and character/relationship sections aren’t necessary, it’s just to help us mods figure out what’s popular with participants! It’s also helpful for us to gauge where we might need to look for additional fanworkers, so fill them out if you can. If you’re not sure what fandom or characters/relationships you’ll be working with yet, that’s okay to, just try to list some potential ones you might be working with!

Full path explanations can be found here!

Solo Author/Fanworker:
Choose this path if you do not wish to work with a fanworker or author. You can change this, if you decide to work with a fanworker or author later on!

Traditional Author/Fanworker:
Authors, choose this track if you want to have your story claimed during the claiming period. Rough drafts are due June 22-26. 60% of your story should be finished, and the last 40% at least plotted out before submitting your story for claims.

Fanworkers, choose this track if you want to claim a story during the claiming period, June 29th.

Tandem Author/Fanworker Team:
Authors, choose this track if you already have a fanworker or author to work with. Please only have an author sign up for your team and provide all the necessary information, such as username(s) and email address(es) for every member of your team.

Fanworkers, please do not use the form to sign up for the tandem track. Only sign up using the form if you intend to create a solo piece or claim a fic during the claiming period.

Choose this track if you’re not sure which path you want to choose yet! Fanworkers, you’re welcome, and encouraged, to team up with an author sooner if you like. There are channels in the DCU Bang Discord dedicated to finding a partner!

Author Information
Full author information can be found here!

Author sign-ups are now closed!

--Author sign-ups will close on Friday, May 1st.

--If you are working with a co-author(s), list their username(s) and email address(es). Please do not sign up until you have this information. Please have only one person from your group do the sign up and provide all the necessary information, usernames and email.

--If you are planning to write two fics, please make sure to sign up twice! Each author is allowed to write only two stories, either two 10k, two 5k, or one of each for a total of two. Fanworkers doing the solo or traditional track only need to sign up once, even if they are planning to create a work for more than one story. Tandem fanworkers do not need to sign up, they provide their information to their author to input for them.

--Rough drafts are due July 1st-8th***. Your work must be about 60% finished before turning in a rough draft. The minimum word counts that will be accepted are 6,000 words for the 10k Big Bang and 3,000 words for the 5k Mini Bang.
***Only authors wishing to submit their story for claiming need to submit a rough draft. Solo and tandem authors do not submit rough drafts.

10k Big Bang Author Sign-Ups Close Friday, May 1st.
10k Author Sign-Ups here! Author sign-ups now closed!

5k Mini-Bang Author Sign-Ups Close Friday, May 1st.
5k Author Sign-Ups here! Author sign-ups now closed!

Fanworker Information
Full fanworker information can be found here!

--Fanworker sign-ups will close on Friday, July 18th.

--Summary previews for fanworkers to peruse will go up on Friday, July 10th. Story claiming will open on Saturday, July 11th at 12PM Mountain Time.

--Fanworkers that sign-up are not required to claim a story. Claims are a few months off from author sign-ups, and we understand that life can happen and you may not be able to claim a story as planned, this is totally fine! Just let us know that you’re dropping out and you’re good to go!

--The minimum amount of accompanying fanworks per eligible story is 1 piece. If you are a fanworker and choose to claim 3 stories, that means you will need to create 1 fanwork for each story, 3 total. Please do not take on more stories than you can handle! Fanworkers can claim and work on more than one story.

Fanworker Sign-Ups close Friday, July 18th.
Fanworker Sign-Ups here!

If you have any questions, concerns, here is the Page-A-Mod Post You can also contact the mods via, dcubang@gmail.com, or by sending a PM on DreamWidth/LiveJournal to luciferxdamien, or sending a DM on Discord to LuciferxDamien.

admin, signups 2020, 2020 dcu_bang

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