Exactly. And I need a lot of attention or I get grumpy.
[they're basic, leather (padded) bondage cuffs, and the collar is leather with a D-ring and a buckle on the back. Only the collar is glowing, and if Tim takes it off Kon, he'll see a little red light bulb, some circutry and a small battery, that are all between the outer leather layer and the inner lining]
[Tim starts to unbuckle the collar first, then pauses before it's completely off, glaring at the mechanism inside, growling a little, thinking of all the ways Jason could hurt Kon with that device] Tell me he had your permission for this.
It's alright. [the rest of the restraints come undone and Kon sits up, stretching a little] I guess I don't really give off "into bondage" vibes, so you weren't really expecting it.
[Tim will move toward his closet, checking to see if there's anything in Kon's size] Not really, no. And especially not "into bondage with my powers neutralized" vibes.
[He finds an oversided (for him) bathrobe and tosses it to Kon] This should fit you.
I don't think you'd really want me as a birthday present. I'm high maintenance.
[Tim crosses to the side of the bed and starts inspecting the restraints] Do I even want to know who?
[they're basic, leather (padded) bondage cuffs, and the collar is leather with a D-ring and a buckle on the back. Only the collar is glowing, and if Tim takes it off Kon, he'll see a little red light bulb, some circutry and a small battery, that are all between the outer leather layer and the inner lining]
Uh... it was Jason?
Of course he did! He wouldn't do anything I didn't want.
[He finds an oversided (for him) bathrobe and tosses it to Kon] This should fit you.
[Kon catches the robe and pulls it on, tying it around the waist] Thanks.
You're welcome. Figured you'd want to save that view for Jason.
Well, Jason an' Kora. But yeah.
Jason and Kora?
Heh, yeah. [sheepish grin] She's with us, now.
[raises eyebrow] And I though dating Timothy was scandalous...I think you've topped that with dating the female version of yourself and Jason Todd.
I'm sure there's ways I could get even more scandalous, but I'll just stick with dating a girl-me and Jason for now.
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