[Eep! Kara! Kon would... try to do something if he could]
Um. You can probably figure it out, but don't think too hard. Any chance Cassie is around? I don't have my powers right so I'm actually kind of stuck... [he tries to tug his arm out of the cuff, it gives a little, but Jason tends to be thorough with bodage]
Unfortunately, no. She's patrolling. [nods at her computer network, which is currently keeping tabs on Cassie.]
I might be able to aim a blast of heat vision at your wrist to free it, and you'd be able to get the collar off and, um, put on pants. I've gotten really precise with my heat vision.
Okay. Here goes. [focuses for a second, closes her right eye, and aims a straight blast of heat vision at the bond binding his right hand. It should hit perfectly.]
[He goes very still. Not that he doesn't trust Kara, heat vision is just a little scary. It hits though, breaking the buckle on his cuff, and he reaches down to turn off his collar, then undoes the rest of the restraints with TTK]
[he rolls his eyes at her] I know, Kara. I've been doing this for months, and I trust Jason. This is the first time the Hub's moved me around, and it's not like I couldn't call someone for help if I'd ended up somewhere bad.
Wait, don't answer that. I'm pretty sure the answer's no.
Um. You can probably figure it out, but don't think too hard. Any chance Cassie is around? I don't have my powers right so I'm actually kind of stuck... [he tries to tug his arm out of the cuff, it gives a little, but Jason tends to be thorough with bodage]
Unfortunately, no. She's patrolling. [nods at her computer network, which is currently keeping tabs on Cassie.]
I might be able to aim a blast of heat vision at your wrist to free it, and you'd be able to get the collar off and, um, put on pants. I've gotten really precise with my heat vision.
Damn. Although bringing Cassie here might have made things just as awkward. [he listens to the heat vision idea, and nods]
Go for it. Even if you hit me, once the collar is off I'll heal easily enough.
Okay. Here goes. [focuses for a second, closes her right eye, and aims a straight blast of heat vision at the bond binding his right hand. It should hit perfectly.]
Thanks, Kara. I really owe you one for all this.
Just...be careful with the red sun play.
[he rolls his eyes at her] I know, Kara. I've been doing this for months, and I trust Jason. This is the first time the Hub's moved me around, and it's not like I couldn't call someone for help if I'd ended up somewhere bad.
Aaaaaand not going to think too hard about all the times you've done this.
[he's stolen one of Kara's sheets and his it around his waist - he can't be bothered to go get clothes]
At least the walls here aren't paper-thin like the farm back on our world, right?
True. Remind me not to bring Jason to the farm too much.
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