So I heard you like bad boys... [Leonard/Spock (and bonus Jim!)]

May 02, 2012 21:55

Leonard had been to Spock's quarters several times for various reasons over the last year and a half, but never with such a heavy heart. Spock had truly seemed worried during their last communications. Jim's bit of information regarding Spock's relationship with his otherself was both alarming and intriguing and yet... knowing what he did about that other universe (and his own Spock), Leonard knew that it couldn't have been simply physical, sexual. There had to be something more.

He let Jim know that they were going to talk this evening, so he knew Jim wouldn't be in any hurry to get back home. Jim had discussed ideas with him, plans to give Spock 'what he needed', things that the Vulcan considered 'dark and depraved'. How hard must that be to keep to himself, those sorts of longings... Leonard knew what it was like to want something he couldn't have, and how good and freeing it felt when those dreams and fantasies were made real.

Leonard knew, too, that he and Spock needed some uninterrupted time to figure out what had happened, and if it was going to affect what they had between them.

Waiting outside Spock's door, Leonard rocked on his heels a moment, then pressed the chime to let Spock know he had arrived.

i hate space, spock, because i'm a doctor dammit, fixing each other, this is my life?

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