So... what happens now? [Spock and Bones]

Sep 24, 2010 21:27

Since returning from 2010, Bones had found himself without much alone time, even before he made his first trip back to Sickbay. The time he'd spent with Jim and Chris was amazing (and hopefully not a one-time thing), and Bones found himself thinking about it, and how he and Jim seemed to be managing all this, quite a bit.

Work was running smoothly, no real surprise. Nothing seemed to have blown up in his absence, and he was almost done entering his last report when a soft beep distracted him.

Sitting at his console, Bones looked up at the chime. "Open," he called out to the computer, watching as the door slid opened in front of him, the face on the other side familiar but not expected. "Hello there."

spock, sickbay is always open, fixing each other

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