Presidential debates

Oct 14, 2004 05:23

Ok... Just to warn you... Politics are being touched in this post...

I just got done watching the political debates online. I caught the first Presidential debate a few days after it aired... however I just now got the chance to see the Vice-Presidential debate and the last 2 Presidential debates tonight. For those who missed them, I recommend watching them before you vote. You can find them on Yahoo's Election page.

Now for my impressions....

1. After watching the Vice Presidential debate.... If you ask me.... I'd definately feel more comfortable with Cheney in the Prez role then I would Bush. He actually showed several things Bush seems to lack... namely composure, intelligence, and the ability to avoid sounding like a broken record. **note to self... if Bush wins... investigate potential assassins.** ;-)

2. After watching the last 2 Presidential debates.... Is it just me or does it REALLY sound like Bush is a wining little baby who just seems like a broken record. Ok.... True... Kerry has his little bits that he keeps repeating, although most of the time it's been stuff he has to clarrify because Bush either misquoted him from an earlier debate or comment, or obviously wasn't listening to what was said in the first place.

3. If I was still undecided, I think Bush pretty much confirmed to me that he wasn't worth voting for in Tonight's debate. EVERY time the economy came up.... or specifically... the Job situation.... He avoided the question. Asked about outsourcing.......changed the topic. Asked about the lower average wages in the new jobs created to replace those lost over the last 4-5 yrs..... Changed the topic. Both times to the same subject.... Education and the no child left behind programs. His take on the whole outsourcing bit... "Education for 21st century jobs.". His take on lower wages... "Educating kids so they can get better jobs.".

Um.... Excuse me Mr. President... But call me crazy... But doesn't No Child pretty much effect those in grade-school through Middle-school? (not gonna mention funding issues). So Let's see... by the time that Job Program.... as you seemed to enjoy calling it.... Should see some advantages in about... oh... 10-15 yrs? Ok.... And the people unemployed because their 21st century computer jobs are being outsourced.... or those forced to take lower paying jobs just to have some cash flow... are seeing... what exactly? Ya... That's what I thought. Random question here.... But let's say you are a single parent trying to raise one of these kids that aren't supposed to get left behind. What do you think the odds are of the kid getting adversely effected by the money problems the parent is having because of the economic issues right now?

4. Oh!! and I kinda enjoyed how Bush in all his touting of how he appearently has created jobs and is helping the "middle class" make ends meet in this "recovering economy", Neglected to mention that little fact that the OT he was kinda bragging about, He's helped to eliminate getting paid for for a buncha people through his whole "family" act BS.

The really funny thing is about how he kept bragging about all the tax cuts he's made for us "Middle Class".... you know, to help offset the supposed lower-paying jobs. Well... first off, all the cuts he was really bragging about you need to 1. Be married for.... and 2. have a kid to qualify. I won't even mention the fact that for the past coupla years, by not paying any taxes, I've barely been able to make ends meet and survive....... if I had taxes taken out I would've been in HORRIBLE condition.

Idiots... all of them.

oh... and quote of the night....

"..And having President Bush talk to me about Financial responsibility is like having Tony Soprano talk to me about Law and Order in this country."
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