Columbus Update

Aug 30, 2004 04:15

Ok... I realize that I've been neglecting my Livejournal posting duties the past coupla weeks, and I apologize. Things have been kinda busy lately with the move and all.

Well... First off... I have arrived safe and sound in Columbus, and am quickly getting situated here. I'm also falling in love with a MAC again, and even more so with wireless on the mac. LOL.

I'm currently living in the basement "apartment" at a friend's Parent's house. The place is actually kinda nice... well... other then the little problem with low ceilings. I've bumped my head a coupla times already. ah well... just gonna take some adjusting. Speaking of adjusting... I'm in the process of doing some cultural adjusting. For one.... I was amazed to find that the Kroger sells the GOOD stuff... I could now theoretically put Tequila on my grocery shopping list. On top of that, they can sell till 1am. WOW! Talk about a surprising changed from the bible belt I've grown up in. LOL

On the job search front, have had a couple very promising leads already. Today something even weirder happened. Seems that one of the friends of the parental units I am staying with has his own PC Consulting business. It also seems that he has appearently been extremely busy lately because of his clients, and therefor may be thinking about bringing me on-board to assist him.... or even take over some of his business (IOWs... I get some of the home PC's while he'll keep the Business clients.). That could work out to be very cool. Especcially considering the money I could stand to make being a Consultant. SWEET!! :-D

Um... Found a really cool church up here already. And have already started to get somewhat involved with the Youth ministry there.... although unofficially.... as the lacky for my friend already up here. LOL... but it's a cool start and place to be.

And on the MAC... well... I discovered a program called GarageBand. Basically it's a program... that Apple now includes on macs.... That is a song editor/creator using MIDI, live instruments, and loops. I just got done creating my third little mp3.... and so far each one has kinda been a progression in the tricks I'm learning with the program and things I'm doing with it.... or making it do. The only problem with this last one is that the CPU couldn't seem to handle the system at the end of the song because of how much I had put in there, but I was able to quickly throw together an ending to at least make it seem like it wasn't left hanging as such. I've got the MP3 available if anybody would like to request it. It's kinda cool. :-)

Oh ya... and one other thing that I can't forget. A girl from Aldersgate who I met started IMing me a while back. We've been talking a lot lately and she is very cool.... of course, distance and whatnot kinda mean things aren't going anywhere anytime in the immediate future.... but it is nice to be able to have someone I can talk to on a regular basis beyond all the older folk around here. :-)

let's see.... not much else I can think of reporting right about now. I am living.... I'm readjusting to a daytime schedule... looking for a job... found a church... found some new toys.... and have a comfy bed to sleep in. :-)

Until next update.....
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