Me? In a good mood? Nahhhhhhh

Jul 11, 2005 11:23

pixietricks should be happy, cuz this is a happy entry, and comments will be OPEN. I do have one bit of bad news though: it's hot as HELL outside. =(

Anyway, on to the good news.

-First and foremost, I started a new remix. I've put off doing this song for years and years cuz I love the original so much (it's one of the songs that got me into appreciating vgm), and I didn't wanna mess it up. But McV convinced me to do it, so it's gonna be done. I doubt it'll have vocals like Memories Frozen in Time, because as I understand it, someone else is making a vocal arangement of the same song. But nobody does vocals like Urbanizm, so we'll see.

-I'm hoping that dalenorth's album Right Out of the Blue comes in the mail soon. The mailman knows when I'm waiting for a CD, cuz he likes to mess around and come EXTRA LATE and piss me off. When the OneUps album came, I was *this close* to putting the SmackDown!™ on him. If you haven't ordered Dale's album, I recommend you do so. It's a steal at 11 bucks, and you'll make him happier and more willing to make more music for his adoring fans.

-Nikki and I have patched things up for the time being. She and I are really good friends, and I aim to keep it that way.

-I scored something BIG for the Urbanizm compilation album. Go me.

-The real big news (and why I'm in such a good mood) is this: Back in 2002, when I started college - damn, I'm old - I met Dan aka nimrod_son. He's a real cool guy and other than Jillian, another friend from St. John's, he's the only person I know who knows more about The Simpsons than I do. Anyway, Dan has a brother named Peter. Peter's in a rock band called defectivelectric. defectivelectric had a show a short while back for a very good cause: me. =)

For the record, I didn't ask them to do this, ask I HATE asking people for stuff, especially money. They did this all on their own, and the other day, I got a $100 check in the mail! In all honesty, Dan and his brother's band SAVED ME.

So now I'm in a good mood. Hopefully it'll last for a while, as it really sucks to be depressed all the time and I'm sure people on my friends list are tired of the b.s. I've been posting lately.
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