For the past two weeks I was at the Global Young Leaders Conference in Washington, DC and New York City. The conference surpassed my already high expectations. I was a representative of France at our UN-like-simulations, along with 22 other amazing people. Everywhere we went we yelled "On t'aime" and "Omelette du fromage". We had a great Faculty Advisor by the name of Karine. I saw a lot of both cities, along with a little bit of Philadelphia. It was an amazing experience, and I met a lot of people from all over the world.
Day 1 was all about registration and such. We were all exhausted so the real party started on Day 2.
Here I am in Georgetown with Marco from California and Marcy from Alberta, Canada. It's a sad attempt at a Myspace picture. I loved Georgetown---the neighborhood and university are so pretty. I really hope by some stroke of luck I'll be able to go there someday.
That day we did a lot of memorial seeing. Here are some people that were not in my group at the FDR memorial. The girl with the red hair was crazy, and her hair was even crazier. In one of the last pictures, she is behind Daniel and I.
Marco and I on the way to the Jefferson Memorial. That boy was always striking a pose---he is really into theater and music and dance. We got along really well.
My group called the Washington Memorial, "The Stick".
The Jefferson Memorial is pretty. They were in the midst of restoring it. That night we had a Social where we played this trivia game, which my team totally won. However, one girl on the team was totally psychotic. She kept yelling at people and crap, so we called her "Crazy Girl" for the duration of the trip. When we found out she was on our Bus, the infamous Bus 1 with Haiti, we always ran away from her. She stayed up every night to read shit. She was nutso.
Day 3 began at the World Bank, whose main mission is to fight poverty by loaning money to developing nations.
That day I went to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. While we only saw a senator from South Dakota or someone, our speaker was the Middle East advisor to the committee and Joe Biden especially. I was so excited, and the information was great. People were looking at me funny since I was one of the only people who knew who Joe Biden was.
That night we had trhe best talent show ever. Marco did a monlogue, and it was amazing.
Day 4 began at the State Dept. We heard the most awful speech I have ever heard. Just as the American kids had got the international kids believing that not everyone believes in the war and the Bush crap, the Assitant Secretary to Secretary Rice on Legislative Affairs shattered the image we had created. He went on for over an hour about only 2 things in the most monotone of voices. Then we asked him controversial questions about India, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and not once did he answer a question. In fact he went so far out of his way about answering questions about Iraq that he said it was too much money to help the people in Rwanda when genocide was occurring there years ago. It was so bad. About two people clapped for him at the end.
Things improved when we went to Dupont Circle for lunch.
I saw this sign and smiled. At least they aren't all crazy republicans living in some alternate reality.
The homeless people were having a chess tournament in the park.
Marcy, myself, Marco, and Arianna in Dupont Circle.
That night we had a Diplomatic Reception at the French residency in Washington. It was really pretty, and being that we represented France, it was that much cooler. On the way to the event we sang Disney and boy band songs:)
Marco was our resident porn star. Just kiddingggg.
That night we went to the Korean, Vietnam, and Lincoln Memorials. I fell down the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. It was hilarious. But on a more serious note, the gigantic size of the Vietnam Memorial is really astounding. It made me think about whether or not one day we'll have a memorial for Iraq?
The next day we went to museums and stuff all day so that was fun. The best museum in Washington, in my opinion, is the Holocaust Museum. It is really powerful.
In the Smithsonian I took a picture in front of the original Meet the Press set.
Also displayed in the Smithsonian is the flag that was drapped over the Pentagon the day after 9/11. I stayed in the Sheraton about 2 streets away from the Pentagon, and I actually saw where the plane hit in the building. Scary stuff.
On Day 6 we had a meetings in the hotel all day. We did a simulation of the UN Peace and Security Council.
The next day it was off to New York. We stopped in Philadelphia, which wasn't too great, in my opinion. Here's Independence Hall.
In NYC we stayed at Manhattan College.
Clement from the Bahamas did a great impression of a tiger.
On Day 8 we went to Times Square and saw the Naked Cowboy and a broadway called The Drowsy Chaperone.
On Day 9 we went to the Financial District of NYC. I saw Ground Zero. We heard a speech by a guy from Deutsche Bank about financing and college and stuff. It was an amazing speech, one that was much better than expected.
Later that day we went to Pier 17 and saw the Brooklyn Bridge and such. Then it was off to MoMa (Museum of Modern Art).
Some of the art was hilarious.
But there was a lot of Picasso, Braque, Leger, Matisse, and Pollack, which made more sense to me. I loved the museum.
Day 10 was all about the UN. Here I am with my friend Cherie from China.
Also at the UN, I hung out with my friend Danika from Grenada and Arianna from Mass.
Me and Clement in a conference room at the UN.
Me in the General Assembly.
The UN Security Council. At both ends of the table were Israel and Lebanon. It was really cool.
On Day 11 we had the Global Summit at the UN. We got to use the microphones and everything, so that was cool. Here are Linda, Danika, and Morgan.
Jae-Dong and Ji-Young from South Korea. They go to school 14 hours a day. They have Costco and AP classes too. They were so cute!
That night we had a dance party on a boat. Here are two guys from my group--Julian from Colombia and Kishan from the UK.
Me and Marco.
By Day 12 we were all really burnt out. Before we left I took a picture with Daniel, aka Hedgehog, from Taiwan. Note Crazy Girl.
And my last picture with my favorite girls there.
Later, at JFK, I saw Allyson's ex-boyfriend Nick. It was so weird.
That was just a brief summation of the trip. It was a great experience.
And here's the schedule:
AP English Lang- Schilit
Psychology- Davis
IB Calc- Power
AP French- Faber
Ap US History- Hall
AP Chemistry- Swanson
AP Micro- Bergan
Call me to hang out! See you guys next week.