Oct 14, 2011 19:56
My utopian vision:
First: Corporations don't get to vote.
Second: Votes and politicians cannot be bought.
Third: No one, including any corporation, should have a net profit of over $100,000. To live a comfortable life, no one needs more than that. No house should be worth more than that. No more land can be owned by a person than that person is capable of utilizing.
Any profits over $100,000 should be used for income for those who make less than $100,00, starting with those who have no income. Give them a job if they are willing and able to work. Any income not used for profits should be used for building infrastructure. The current "he who makes the most money/has the most stuff wins" should be changed to non-monetary accomplishments. "He whose makes the biggest improvement in the lives of others wins". It isn't that there isn't enough land/houses/food/transportation to go around...it is that some people hog way more than their share. Our previous culture has given people a sense that they are entitled to all that they can get. Even when it is more than they could possibly need. Even when others are starving, homeless, sick, and hopeless. The LIE of equal opportunity should be made a truth. Everyone should have the opportunity through hard work and sacrifice to eventually achieve $100,000 a year salary and live comfortably. Currently, that goal is not possible for some, no matter how hard they work. In fact, some of the hardest workers in the world make the least.
Maybe I'm naive, maybe there is alot that I don't see. But I do see alot that the privileged do not see. Somewhere in between, there is a better world. No amount of discussion or debate will ever find it, but action will. Little actions by everyone everyday can build the world we all need.