Start : Chandler, Az
End : Pateloma, Ca
Estimation : 800 miles, 12 hours...
Tis all we brought
Seniors Baby
The only way to make it there, psssst thats David Driving
I pointed out we needed to go again
This cool IN and OUT truck that honked his horn for us
This hippie asked us for spare change for gas cuz their car broke down or somthing, we gave her 2.34
Scary place for a pit stop!
So i tagged it up 2-1 FO LYFE! (PS thats my pee pee)
Ran out of music, Time to burn a CD while we go
David falls asleep at the wheel! OH NO!!!
We had to get a move on reaaaal fast like. hop no cops see us :(
i guess this truck has like chilled eagles for sale or somthing
sunrise some 200 miles from san fransisco, went to dennys across the way.
David after we ran from the police car and got away hiding by a semi!
Golden gate bridge after 3 hours of being lost in S.F.
You think gas is high in Arizona? PFFFT
We made it to KYLES! hes on the right, his friend Jimmy on the left.
Yah so i havnt posted, i though a picture story wuld be a good way to start again, ill post more pics later, got to sleep im drunk and have wake boarding in lik 7 hours :-\