Something to ponder

Mar 10, 2008 22:47

 "Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words will never hurt me."
We're taught this as little kids; we're supposed to ignore the name-calling and the teasing.  After all, they are only words, and words can be meaningless, right?

What a lie.  Words hurt the most.  Whether its a rumor, gossip, dislike, or just stupidity, words can be painful.  Most people don't seem to understand the power of their words.  They think it's funny to joke about the way someone walks or talks or looks.  They seem to think the person can't hear them, like there's some sort of invisible wall between them and the person they're talking about.  But you never know that person's problems, their weak points, or their past.  You can really never know what might put that person over the edge or what might shatter their heart.

With that being said, it would be silly to ignore the positive effects of words.  That little compliment or act of kindness could mean the world to a person.  You may never realize how big of an influence your words may have.  It may help them if they're feeling sad or even inspire them.  A few words could even change that person's perception of the world: maybe the world isn't so bad after all, maybe there are good people out there.
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