Mar 10, 2007 15:03
guess who's back. back again. danielle's back. tell a friend.
guess who's back. guess who's back. guess who's back. guess who's back.
DECA was good because it wasn't school But I got enough scares to last me more than my DECA career will last.
The Board Scare
1. Jamie and I left early with time to spare. Thank goodness because we would need it. Note Bene (sp?): The Clarion elevators at DECA suck. Too many people try to use them and they take forever. But Jamie and I had no choice. There was no way our board could be carried down the stairs without being ruined. So we hopped on an elevator going up (by the time you get an elevator going down, you might as well go up and down), but some jerk had hit all of the buttons, 8-15 (we were on 7). So we got off at 8 where we some girls were amazed at our board, but semi-upset when they found out we were their competition. It had to have been a group of 8ish girls, bringing their friend downstairs. So we get in the elevator and they start "joking." "You know, we could ruin your board right now. I can just lean foward and tear all your papers off." Normally that might seem like innocent joking, but they were pretty serious. Whenever the door opened, they would tell people to push in and kick our board out of the way. Luckily, we survived the trip with out board intact.
2. You need to get your board approved before you go in. We were one away from the front when the guy running the other line wouldn't let a tri-fold in (what we had). We started to freak out and worry as the guy held a poster of an appropriate size against the bigger board. Luckily, someone stepped in and told him that he was wrong. Tri-folds are different than the posters he was measuring for. Whew, we survived.
3. So now we are at the front. And we're told that we would be penalized if we didn't fix out board. Our flier, sticking one, maybe two inches up, was against DECA rules. Grarr. We ran to the supply room, asked for tape or anything, and went to find a place to tear our board apart. By this time it was about 8:15, the time we were supposed to be in there waiting. We ripped the chopsticks off our board and flier and did some speedy fixing. Then we ran back.
4. Now we just sat down at our cluster. Our hearts are still racing a bit; we did just have 3 scares. A woman approaches. Can you fold your board? she asked. We could if you really want us to, but we'd prefer not to because it would crease some of our papers. She told us our can (we had a coffee can decorated as a donation can) did not allow the board to close, so we had to remove it. Freak out #4. But we had a picture frame on the board last year. And people always have things sticking off. After some arguing, a woman told her she thought it was fine. There was no rule that it had to close flat. Hearts pounding, we finally got to try to relax.
The "Thank Goodness There Are Bigger Things Going On" Scare
-David and I decided to start our history homework, but everyone was being noisy playing catch phrase so we went to my room. We start, but are soon interrupted when we hear a strange man's voice. Wondering who it was, I went to the door and David followed. To our surprise, there was a security guard outside out room. The room next to us was being searched for alcohol and drugs (They didn't find any... thanks to Mr. B who reported them and warned them). The guy told us to go against the wall. Freak out time! Yea, our door was open, but no one knows how to keep it open all the way. Sure, you could put a suitcase or a chair there, but can you say fire hazard? To make a complicated story short, he decided not to tell the main guy who would send us home because "You two look like two intelligent kids. What were you doing in there?" "Our history homework." "Okay. Are you two boyfriend/girlfriend?" Gosh was it hard to hold in the laughter at that question! Wow.... Bf/gr..... Just wow.... So luckily, we weren't kicked out. And luckily, we got the other rooms to open up their doors before he got to them.
This entry is extremely long so I'll just hit on some other things: David came in 1st and made sure everyone knew about it. Our hopes were risen and then they were beat, tortured, pushed off a cliff, and murdered. Everyone got annoyed at David. He barely did any of his own project. His mom should go to Florida, she did win it. Domino's is good. Borreggine is a complete moron. So is his father. B contradicts himself and then his father contradicts both of those. Spano is cool. Steve is wicked awesome. Thank goodness for no school.
In other news, gosh do I have a big crush....
\/ diamond!
Oh yea, SATs are done for now! Woot woot!