(no subject)

Jun 05, 2011 12:28

Finishing this off!

Day 27 - Favorite Wand
I don't really think I have a favorite wand. I love the wandlore itself though, and the different characteristics JK Rowling gave to each character's own wand. :D

Day 28 - Favorite Magical Ability (Animagi Transformation, Metamorphmagi, Parselmouth, Flying, Seer, Apparation and Disapparation, Legilimency and Occlumency, Veela Charm, Magical Resistance)
Apparation and Disapparation. I love the idea of disappearing and reappearing over distances in the blink of an eye. Would make travel SO much easier..

Day 29 - Favorite Death Eater
Bellatrix and Lucius. Need I say more?

Day 30 - Favorite Portrait
Sir Cadogan. He was a hoot for the short bits he was around.

Day 31 - Favorite Spell
Oh hell, I dunno. I love 'em all. Although the Episkey spell could come in handy in my daily living.. And I'd love to use Muffliato every now and again.

Day 1 - Favorite Book in the Series
Day 2 - Least Favorite Book in the Series
Day 3 - Favorite Character
Day 4 - Favorite Villain
Day 5 - Saddest Moment
Day 6 - Favorite Professor
Day 7 - Least Favorite Professor
Day 8 - Favorite Subject
Day 9 - Least Favorite Subject
Day 10 - Favorite Shop in Diagon Alley
Day 11 - Most Handsome Character
Day 12 - Most Beautiful Character
Day 13 - Most Missed Dead Character
Day 14 - Favorite Book Cover
Day 15 - Favorite Tri-Wizard Tournament Challenge
Day 16 - Rate the Houses From Most to Least Favorite
Day 17 - Favorite Animagus
Day 18 - Favorite Unforgivable Curse
Day 19 - Favorite Horcrux
Day 20 - Favorite Deathly Hallow
Day 21 - Funniest Moment
Day 22 - Most Emotional Moment
Day 23 - Aspired Quidditch Position
Day 24 - Favorite Patronus
Day 25 - What You Think Your Patronus Would Be
Day 26 - Favorite Dursley
Day 27 - Favorite Wand
Day 28 - Favorite Magical Ability (Animagi Transformation, Metamorphmagi, Parselmouth, Flying, Seer, Appartion and Disapparition, Legilimency and Occlumency, Veela Charm, Magical Resistance)
Day 29 - Favorite Death Eater
Day 30 - Favorite Portrait
Day 31 - Favorite Spell
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