Jan 09, 2005 02:36
All day long I've had this tune in my head, and I couldn't get it out. Finally, I figured out that it was that old Sinatra tune, the one that goes, "I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places..."
I think it was probably a bad idea to headquarter in Manchester-- maybe we should have gone to Concord or something. And I probably shouldn't have chosen the office space from the first campaign. It's... you know, it's the bar down the street that hasn't changed in eight years, and the crappy diner where the waitress still knows my name.
I keep expecting Sam to come around the corner with a new draft, or Toby to be scaring the crap out of some intern. Instead, it's the kids playing in the corner with some tonka trucks while I work on fleshing out the nine point plan. More than anything, I want Donna to come flouncing in again, and say that leaving was a big mistake, and then I can say, "Thank god, there's a lot of crap to start doing."