evilhat suggested I post a few potentially useful list exerpts from my moving notebook. These are straight out of my personal notes; they may or may not apply to other folks and they are about as general as the guidelines to be found on public moving sites. Feel free to adapt, borrow, add, amend, ignore as you will.
The first one is a general list of Things To Expect Or Think About:
Things to Research and Consider Way Ahead of Time
mover costs
packing costs
truck rental costs
extended stay (hideously expensive)
short term or furnished apartments
generic apartments (find local small newspapers for these)
storage costs
car options - move/sell/drive
Citibank on the east coast / local banks
real estate agent
housing market
interest rates
credit rating
school system
when - think about weather, driving conditions, the fact that the housing markets are most active in spring and summer and the moving prices escalate accordingly.
Things to Arrange Sooner Rather Than Later:
compile a contact list
compile an address notification list, starting at one end with banks and loans and ending with people and magazines
update resume's
begin jobhunting
determine a timeline for the move (even if it's 'move at the end of May')
acquire boxes, packing tape, tape dispensers, markers, bubble wrap and paper
begin self pack (start with dead storage and Things You Never Use)
triage furniture (if you never built it in the three years you've lived there, you probably don't intend to use it)
triage dead storage (if the address on the box is from two houses ago and it's not mementos inside, do you really want to haul it again?)
determine a cost effective ratio (what the cutoff point is for what costs more to move than it would to replace - or what's not worth the cost of moving)
begin a list of outlays for moving (for tax purposes)
begin a moving budget and estimate of costs
think about notifying your landlord - look up in your lease how much written notice he requires and doublecheck last month's rent and your security deposit and what your obligations are when you vacate the premesis
notify friends and family
research the DMV in the new area
obtain a mailing address to forward things to
research utility vendors in the new area
hunt movers - and doublecheck them for apples to apples comparisons, check movingscam.com - who will hunt a mover down for you; they're very cool - and the DOT.
schedule movers
keep a running inventory as you pack; you'll want it later. Determine a standardized nomenclature for your boxes. (Basement 1-15, A for first time packed, B meant that it had been repacked, C repacked again, etc.)
arrange for storage at destination as needed
sort out toss vs sell vs take vs move
garage sale or goodwill the sell and toss
set up a staging area for the take-with-you: at the very least this should be your family jewelry, important paperwork like deeds and titles and birth certificates and marraige certificates and anything small and intensely valuable. List these items so they don't get packed. Realize you'll empty your safe deposit box into this category.
appraise silver or art or other large valuables
make travel plans
gather medical records, including eye prescriptions
tune your vehicles
contact homeowner's insurance and see if they cover the move
contact auto insurance and see if they cover your new location
take an inventory (and photographs!) of your household.
To Do Then:
fill out and send change of address cards
change your address with the post office (which you can do online)
pack essentials - a first open box of toilet paper, paper towels, dish towels, linens, soap, handsoap, basic tools, measuring tape, that sort of thing
stuff pillows and linens into the top drawer of a dresser so it's not a hunt on the far end
think about keeping your air mattress close at hand Just In Case
reserve fragiles and paperwork and take them with you
determine your needs for your new home. Arrange a realtor. Acquire it.
move your car insurance
move your driver's licenses
flea market the house
cancel the various things that need canceling - gyms and utilities and maid service
get a safety deposit box at the far end
empty your fridge
empty the pantry
arrange for maids after your departure
arrange final walkthrough with the landlord (make sure the check gets cut on the spot)
Flee. :)