Ni-dan test: directions

Aug 04, 2010 11:33

The test will be at MIT, in the Exercise Room in the duPont building. To gain access, you need to enter the Z Center. For MIT alumni, note that the doors into duPont behind w20 are now permanently closed, so you have to enter via the Z center.

We'll be starting at 12:30pm.

* By T

Kendall T station is probably the easiest. Walk down Main Street away from the Charles River and the Longfellow Bridge. You'll cross Ames Street (there's a Legal Seafoods on that corner); the next intersection is Main St and Vassar St. Bear left onto Vassar St. Walk all the way down until you hit a stoplight at Mass Ave. Keep going a bit -- you're passing the relevant athletic buildings on the left, but the entrance is further down. When you see a longish walkway to a set of glass doors, that's the entrance you want: Zeseiger Sports & Fitness Center, or Z Center. Enter!

It takes about 10-15 minutes to walk from Kendall to the Z Center.

* By car

Get thee to the West Annex Lot. From there, the Z center entrance is towards Mass Ave and on your right.

* ...once inside...

Talk to the desk worker just inside the entrance: tell them you're on the guestlist and they should let you in. Go through the turnstile gate and walk all the way down (past the basketball courts). Look for signs we'll have taped up and follow those.

If you walk by the desk worker and find yourself in a large area that looks like a not-in-use skating rink, you're not in the right part of the building: go back through the turnstiles and head down the hallway (there's only one) past the swimming pools. At the far end, there's another desk and set of turnstiles: go through those.

Note that the Exercise Room isn't air-conditioned. There are large fans, though, so yay, plus water fountains right outside the room, whew. Dress comfortably. :)
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