May 15, 2009 21:59
Alyse and I are thinking of getting:
* a new camera
* a videocamera
* a netbook
Any recommendations or anti-recommendations for models/brands/websites to look at?
For camera, it's mostly for alyse: something that can easily be carried in a pocket, not too fancy, not many moving parts to alleviate things breaking down.
For videocamera, I think we're looking for cheap followed by good: there may be a few SF0 tasks we may want to videotape, or I may want to videotape a karate testing and post it to youtube -- the technical demands here are low. Nothing with actual videotape, but I suspect those aren't being made. Something easy to transfer files. Superduper quality isn't that important.
Netbook, looking for something that I can type on (we looked at a few reeeeeally small ones at MicroCenter, and ugh, I can get 3 but not 4 fingers on the home row per hand). Battery life is good, so we were thinking that SSD would be better than HD. Low weight is good. Memory capacity and performance are not important: we'll probably use it to run NotePad or emacs and just bat out some text files. (We're thinking of taking it to Turkey to write down journal entries.) We're probably not going to use it for serious lifting.
Thanks in advance. :)