I am still here people - never fear! I've just had the crappest week at work. Not because it's been bad co-worker wise. it's just been so busy I haven't even gotten to sit a computer for more than ten minutes!
So quick run down of what's been going on with this not so little dragon:
1) I made cheesecake - which tasted okay and people liked it but it did leave a very strong cream cheese aftertaste. Need to make it sweeter!
2) Had more of my tattoo done and it looks awesome enough that I'd swear if this wasn't a family blog (it's not really but I'm not up to swearing tonight). It now looks like a huge space dragon coming out of a vortex to attack the starship Voyager or something!
3) Still haven't done any songwriting but I must, must get on with that tomorrow.
4) Will be entering some writing competitions to see what's what.
5) Have played entirely too much Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and now I can't feel my shoulders!
And to end - I'll be posting some pics of the tattoo soon hopefully. And I'll leave you with this because it's awesome:
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