Fuel Prices

Apr 22, 2008 17:56

So today I filled my truck and as many of you are awaire the cost of diesel fuel is at an all time record high I payed $4.21/gal today and put nearly 170 gallons in the tanks now with my neandarthal math capabilities (and mostly cause it hurt to look at the amount line) i think it was some where around $700 dollars +/- 20 where that same amount of fuel cost only 2.80 only 6 months ago (you figure that part out). Also what you guys dont really seem to get is that though we have a pretty good range its only because we carry a ton of fuel (I have 2, 100 gal tanks) but the average truck barly gets 6 miles to the gallon. I can squese out 7.2 if i am really careful.

So what the hell is he getting at? Well heres the deal, you may have heard of alot of small protests about the cost of fuel (and or the operating costs in general) staged by truckers in the past few weeks. The words "trucker strike" have been tossed around alot as well. But we cant and honestally we wont unless there is a strong uniting factor and in an industry with so many specialized haulers, large companies and independant owner operators, nothing will ever get everyone on board.

But here is the real deal from a man behind the wheel, When I pay 4.20 for fuel that cost isnt going to be eaten by me or my company it will get passed along down the line to the reciever or the shipper, who in turn is not going to eat the increased cost of hauling the freight from point to point so it is going to get passed on down the line to the retailer who is really not going to eat the additional cost of their product so it gets passed on down the line....

Guess who ends up eating it yet? You got it!

Go to your local grocery store and buy a gallon of milk, now go back in your reciepts and look at 6 months ago and see what that same gallon of milk cost then vs. now. Do we have any less cows? newp. Its because the rising fuel costs are driving prices up on EVERYTHING you buy. You may have seen the stickers on the back of alot of trailers saying catchy things like 'if you got it, a truck brought it' or 'good things, trucks bring em' but seriously guys it is true, everything you own was in some way shape or form on at least one truck and more than likely 2 or 3.

What can be done? meh unfortunataly I really dont see any way out right now. The government cannot and will not force the major gas companies to lower their cost, if they tried the outrage would be astronomical. I for one think any government involvement would only irritate the situation further and have every buisness who turns a profit wondering well when are they going to get to me and regulate how much i can make. Yes I beleve that the profits that the gas companys are making is obsene but can you really blame them? the market is there demand is still up and suply (they would have us believe) is dwindeling so its get while the getting is good. Alot have mentioned removing the government substadizing of the oil exploration, again i think that this will not lower costs of fuel it will only force the companies to find that money else where... guess who again?

McCain and now Clinton have also mentioned removing the fedral taxes on fuel during the summer months. Meh ok big deal 0.40/gal would be nice but with the cost going up that almost every month what is going to happen in September when the tax is added back in? Besides thats just politcians doing what they do, Everyone should know that that would never happen as the government would end up loosing way too much money.

I for one try to do my part, I have lowered my normal operating speeds and am very concious about my truck idle times. Even still i know how bad it must be for the record numbers of Owner Operators who are going out of business on a daily basis.

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