Sep 15, 2007 13:42
We all love debating, and what not but sometimes it is incredibly annoying to debate someone who uses debating formulas that cause personal conflict. this is a plea to debater's everywhere, please, don't be an asshole. Chances are that the things that you are debating shouldn't and wouldn't influence your personal relationship if... if.. you can avoid using asshole tactics. These include:
1. Personal Attacks: We all know situations where someone starts arguing something with you, be it whether or not marijuana should be legalized, border patrol, or car preferences. These are relatively neutral points of views, however people usually do a personal attack regarding a statement that someone else makes and all the shit starts flying. Example:
Person A: Well studies have shown that marijuana causes no long term effects to the body, and it's detrimental effects to the mind are minor or completely absent in nearly all studied cases.
Person B: Well assholes like you are obviously going to believe those bullshit studies.
2. Questioning Validity:
Even cold facts can be interpreted differently by different groups of people, and this is natural. But in most circumstances its usually better if you take most sources and facts as true. Nothing can be more annoying by using this tactic in a debate, because it eliminates all possibility of counter argument. Attacking validity can be said as a personal attack, because it sends the message to your opponent that they have limited mental capability.
3. Incorrect Grammar:
Don't use big words that you don't understand to make yourself sound smart. Usually your 10th grade vocabulary words will never come into real life use.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley
maybe continued in the future