(no subject)

Oct 25, 2010 04:32

So I have an idea....

I have taken the twins to two different parent and me classes-- swimming and signing. Not because I think children need a formal education, I just want an opportunity for them to interact in a fun and new way with other babies and I wanted to meet other moms.

But, the classes have annoyed me. The teachers haven't been qualified and the classes seem random. I don't think either of the teachers has ever written a lesson plan. They are definitely not doing a "let me read the room and respond to what the children need" thing. More of a "holy crap how am I going to fill this 40 minutes" thing.

Anyway, I think I can do better. I am tossing around the idea of creating my own parent and me class. I had a conversation with one of the instructor supervisors at the rec center after this first week of signing class, so I am thinking about contacting her and seeing if I could teach the class through them. I would love for it to go very well and be able to turn this into a small side business.

Classic children's books lend themselves to an overall class. Each week, we could focus on a different book and have songs, rhymes, signing, play activities and more relating to that theme. Imagine a library store time on steroids. :)

For example:
Brown bear, Brown bear What do you see?
1. Learning each other's names:
dcfullest, dcfullest who do you see? I see Peanut looking at me!
Peanut, peanut, who do you see? I see Chomp looking at me!
2. Making sounds for animals in the book
Reading book again having each child/parent combination represent one of the animals
3. Teddy Bear dance: Bring teddy bears/favorite stuffed animals from home. Put on music. Let kids/parents dance with them.
3. Learning signs for the animals
4. Matching colors: have parents and babies look throughout the room for colors that match the animals. Chomp and his mom look for purple things, Peanut and her dad look for red things.
5. Goodbye song

So what do you think? Any ideas? Suggestions? Warnings?
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