Apr 16, 2010 07:16
Help. I am losing it. I need sleep. Up to now, I would get the babies to sleep around 7:30-8pm in their cribs. They would generally sleep without waking until my husband fed them around midnight. I would get up, if they woke during the night. Around 5am they got in bed with me and went back to sleep until 7:30am. They have their first bottle at 8am (and don't want one before then). It wasn't perfect, but it worked for us.
Then they got colds and hit the 5 month sleep regression at the same time, and everything got shot all to hell.
Now they basically won't sleep anywhere but my bed. Notice I said my bed. My husband is sleeping the guest room because there isn't room for all four of us in my bed. I don't sleep well, because I can't have a pillow or covers (for safety), I can't roll over freely and I wake up everytime they even slightly stir. I haven't had a good 4 hour chunk of sleep in several weeks. They are regressing too--- during the day if they lose their pacifier, they put it back in themselves, at night they just cry and don't even try. My son rolls over sees me and wants to play. He was up one night from 4-6am, just laughing and playing.
How do I do this? I don't want for them to cry it out-- my daughter ramps up when she cries. This is a fairly easy weekend, so I think now is the time.