Hey everyone! I just wanted to mention that I've spent the last week sorting out redundancies in the archive, as well as alphabetising pairings for both ease of navigation and to limit those redundancies in the first place. Yes, I know, I'm crazy and pedantic
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Okay, one BIG problem with this that I didn't realize at first. You see, that pattern usually existed because, originally, the catagories were *not* split as animated vs. comics. And while, in some cases, the comics character may be the default and/or most common in the beginning, in other cases....it's REALLY REALLY not. Check under Wally West, now, if you don't believe me--it's about 3/4 animated.
*has headaches at the prospects of fixing this*
I'm going to go through the pairings and change them to (animated) where needed, because even before my fiddling around, they often weren't indicated.
The problem is not which, cartoons or comics, becomes the default unlabeled catagory--the problem is that you assumed that comics was the default unlabeled catagory to begin with, which was false, and therefore created in several cases a big mess. Where originally we had a catagory for X (comics) and X (animated) and an original, mixed catagory, we now have a catagory marked (animated) and a catagory that is mixed and from which either a cataloguer or those who use the index will have to sort out the comics fic.
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