Jan 09, 2006 15:00

Er. By which I say this: Thank you, guys, for volunteering. I've alreaded hooked up a few of you with mod access, and the rest will happen as the new victims volunteers join the comm and I remember to, you know, deal.

What this means for the *rest* of you... is that it's time for our periodic fic round-up.

If there's a story of yours which you know isn't on the index, but *is* on lj somewhere? Leave a comment here with the following information:

Title/Link to the story
Author/Pen name of choice
Pairing(s) (if applicable)
Main characters

Note: When I say 'genre,' what I mean is "gen, het, slash, femslash, multiple pairings, threesome, foursome, non-DC crossover, etc."

That's how we classify things on the index. If your story doesn't quite fit one of those, make your best guess. Please. Don't tell me 'drama' or 'action-adventure.' We don't have categories for that.

When I say 'universe,' what I mean is "comicsverse, animated universe (BTAS, JL, JLU, BBeyond, Static Shock, STAS, GK/TNBA), movieverse, Birds of Prey (television), 'Toon' Titans, etc." PLEASE SPECIFY. Even though we don't have separate categories for the universes, it's a great way to help your archivists not fuck up and list your story incorrectly.

So, for example, if you wrote a gen detective story featuring Bart and Jim and also an undead zombie army, you'd comment with:

Title: Damn, I Love The Crack / [url here]
Author: Your Name
Pairing(s): None
Characters: Bart Allen, Jim Gordon
Genre: gen
Universe: comicsverse

Or, if you wrote the porn-filled sequel to that:

Title: No, It Gets Worse / [url here]
Author: Your Name
Pairing(s): Bart Allen/Jim Gordon
Characters: Bart Allen, Jim Gordon
Genre: slash
Universe: comicsverse

Or, if you decided to get ambitious and crossover-happy:

Title: Now I'm Just Fucking With You, Te / [url here]
Author: Your Name
Pairing(s): Bart Allen/Jim Gordon (movieverse)
Characters: Bart Allen, Jim Gordon (movieverse)
Genre: slash
Universe: comicsverse, movieverse

And so on. It is *wildly* important that you give us character and genre information, because that's how we classify things -- and that's how your readers will be able to find it. I'm serious. If you comment here with just a title and a link, I'm going to have to open that proverbial can of whup-ass.

Casual, short F.A.Q. PLEASE READ:

1. But, Te et al., how do I know if my story is there or not?

Well, I'll tell you: The best way to confirm that your story is here is to check under the pairing (if it's het or slash), or under the name(s) of the main character if it's gen.

2. Well, then, Te et al., you must not have my story listed, because it's 75,000 words of Bart/Tim romance and there's no Bart/Tim at all!

Oh, there's plenty -- it's just listed under Tim/Bart.

3. Well, I have a Bruce/Babs story, but it's based on Batman Beyond canon -- should it really be with the others?

Absolutely not. Just specify when you comment that you're writing in the animated universe, and we'll do the rest. Similarly, if your Raven/Starfire magnum opus takes place in the Toon Titans universe, tell us that. If your Helena/Babs femslash is from the Birds of Prey TV show, tell us *that*. If you're the kind of crackheaded person who writes comics!Tim/toon!Dick? Tell us *that*. If you tell us nothing, we're going to assume your story takes place wholly in the comicsverse, with wholly comicsverse characters.

4. What if I have multiple snippets in one post?

Give us the title, pen-name, and pairings, with a note about it being multiple snippets. Do not list each snippet separately. It's more work for you, and confusing for us. However, remember that we can only have five memory categories for a single lj post, and so may not be able to include information about all of your snippets if, say, you've got 47 listed in a single post.

Before responding to this, you *may* want to place backdated posts in your lj with no more than three-four snippets per post.

5. I've got sixteen Jason Todd stories you've failed to index, and I'm listing them so you can fix that.

Thank you! Please be sure to let us know if you're writing about the Jason Todd who goes as Red Hood, or the Jason Todd who went as Robin.

5a. What if it's pre-Crisis!Jason Todd?

All of those stories are currently listed under plain old 'Jason Todd.'


6. I'm not really sure if my story should be listed as gen or het. (Or if it should be listed as gen or slash, as the case may be.) What should I do?

Make your best guess. It can be tough to decide, sometimes, but a good rule of thumb is to ask yourself if you want people to find your story because they were looking for Character A/Character B, or because they were looking for any story featuring Character A. Be aware: if you tell me "well, I guess it *could* be read as Jason Blood/Leslie Thompkins, but I'm not sure" I am *going* to list your story as 'Jason Blood/Leslie, het.'

Notes for the new archivists:

1. Please feel free to go back to this post to catch the un-indexed stories we missed.

2. After you've indexed a story, respond with some version of "got it, thanks!" to the person who sent the heads-up, so the rest of us know it's been taken care of.

3. Before adding new categories to the list, check to make *sure* that, say, Bart/Tim isn't listed as Tim/Bart.

4. Hey, Te, how come there are categories for 'Bruce/Dick (comics),' 'Bruce/Dick (animated),' *and* 'Bruce/Dick?'

Because we've been too lazy to fix things like that. Feel free to go back and do that yourself. It's an excellent way to never want to use livejournal again spend a day!

5. Hey, Te, this author filled out all the information just right, but I'm still not sure how to categorize the story. What should I do?

Pretend it doesn't exist. Flag me with a link to the problematic comment in question, either in the comments to this post (put a HEY TE LOOKIT in the subject line) or, you know, somewhere. I'm around.

Okay. Get busy, people. And please cross-post this to the DC fic communities you're on. I'll take care of jl_fic and titans_together.

Important note to the new mods for future reference: There are a lot more of us now, and there are a lot of writers who cross-post to different communities. To avoid double- and triple-indexing always, *always* index the copy of the story on the writer's personal lj, even if it's just a link to where the story is posted on some random comm.

Important note to writers for future reference: Make our lives easier -- always, always post at least a *link* to your stories on your own ljs.
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