Make your indexer's life easier...

Apr 12, 2005 12:58

Just in case anyone cares, I thought I'd post some guidelines that would help me and the other dcfic_index indexers out. Please note that I'm not trying to tell you what to do, nor will we yell at you if you *don't* do these things-- it's not like this is a 'real' archive where things must be submitted correctly or they won't be approved. I'm just saying that *if* people did these things, it would make the job of indexing DC fic on LJ easier. :)

1. Put the title of the story in the subject line of the post. If there's no title, put something descriptive like "Nightwing angst snippet" or "Clark/Lois PWP." (This doesn't necessarily make it easier to index, but it makes it easier for other people *using* the memories to find your fic, later.)

2. Don't crosspost the same 'fic to different communities. This is because I might grab the entry on, say, titans_together and put it in the memories, and then three weeks later come across the entry on your personal journal and check to see if it's in the memories, and then when it's not, add it *again*... while at the same time, Jack or Te is putting the entry posted to batfic in the memories. Post it in one place and link to it.

3. If you're going to post a multi-part story, make an index post and keep links to all the different parts in that post. Or, go back and edit your original post to include links to all additional parts. That way, we only have to add one link to the memories, instead of a bunch of different links which might end up all out of order.

4. Put whether it's slash, gen or het in your headers, unless you don't care that I might not have time to *read* every story I'm adding to the memories at that particular moment, and I'm just going to skim it and take my best guess. Obviously, some fics straddle that line, but if you *care*, then it's probably best to label.

5. If you're going to write about an obscure character, or if you're going to write one of those PWPs where you never say the characters' names and the readers are supposed to figure it out-- in the headers, say who it is, so I know how to put it in the memories. (Seriously. "This is an angsty DC fic, guess who it's about," doesn't work for the memories. Nor does saying "This is a Obscure Superhero fic about his sidekick Mel" and not saying Mel's last name. Don't make me google, people, I'm lazy and there's a *lot* of fic out there to index.)

5a. Additionally, if you're writing about a character who's had several different names, or whose superheroic identity has been assumed by several different people, please specify in the headers or authors' notes just who it is you're talking about. I don't know everything about every character, so if you say (for example) "This is a Robin story," and I don't know that there were four different Robins-- it might go under Tim Drake when you meant Carrie Kelley.

And also, it's time to once again ask, please check the index to see if your DC fic is there, and if it's not, please leave a comment with a link to said fic, so that we can add it. Thanks!
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