New stories!

Jan 06, 2005 15:42

Shyeah, like I'm actually going to list all of them. Our little fandom has been expanding like whoa, dude. We've been adding things as fast as we can, but I sincerely doubt we've gotten *everything*.

And so, this is where we step in to ask the *writers* to check the memories and see if there are any stories of yours which *ought* to be there that aren't. Probably the easiest and fastest way for y'all to do this is to search by the main/POV character(s) if the stories are gen, or by the primary pairing(s) if the stories are het or slash.

Let us know what we missed!

Comment with the link, and, to make it easy on us, the character(s) and pairing(s) -- where applicable.


Te. :D


Also, I should point out that (as of right now) we're still not FULLY converted over from superhero names to civilian names, so for instance if someone's got a Bruce Wayne story, they should be sure to check both Batman and Bruce Wayne before reporting it as missing.

- Livia


As an additional ease-of-use thing, if you're listing multiple snippets in a single entry, please say that it *is* a single entry. For an example, if you have a post with a Bruce gen snippet, a Grace/Anissa snip, and a Gar/Spike snip, you'd say:

"Multiple snippets: Bruce gen, Grace/Anissa, Gar/Spike (Buffy x-over)."

Also, if your preferred pseud isn't listed explicitly in the post and *isn't* your lj name, please tell us what it is.
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