Jul 31, 2008 09:01
Gah! First day back at uni and already im skipping classes! Woke up this morning with ample time to get to my first lecture and I thought stuff it, rolled over and went back to sleep. All that prep I did last night at 3am! Rarg. But now I'm up, showered, soon to be coffeed and on my way to a 1 hr tutorial about using databases - the same lesson I have had numerous times every semester for the past 3 semesters! Then I have to go shopping for stuff, pick up my text books and come home and prep for tomorrow. At this point I would like to ask where all that enthusiasm from last week went - when I was saying I would start early and not leave things to the last minute, where I would actually go to class!!!
Playing netball again tonight finally. Its been too long without doing anything. Basketball last night was great. It killed me, but I felt much better after a run around, especially a full games worth (why is it we only have 4-5 players showing up each week when we have 10 on the team!? I realised last night, as I do after every game, I have a lot of agression. Seriously. Basketball is my outlet.
Last night was a late night. Very cathartic. Finally! The situation was a little forced initially, but it definitely needed to happen. Let the healing process begin!
And on Saturday, I'm going to the olds to get good news or bad news. Dan is visiting and is going to check out the squealing noise my car has been making of late. Its either a belt ($15 or so), or my ac compressor (oh about $900!). Lame.
Other than that, not much is going on wi9th me. Off to uni now.
That is all.