Nov 07, 2005 23:43
You know how we thought the truck was going to blow up last weekish? And then how I locked my keys in there on Friday? Well guess what happened today....You know how this morning it was really foggy? Well I had my lights on while I was driving to school....And despite me telling myself over and over that I needed to turn to lights off, I forgot to turn them off....I tried to crank it up this afternoon and it wouldn't do ANYTHING....It's still sitting up at school as I type this up...Once D Daddy gets home I think we're going up to school to get it...Dunno what we're gonna do to get it home (we tried jumping it off of Carrie's car but still nothing happened), but hopefully it will get home tonight...If not, I'll probably have to call Rachel and see if she can take me to school, or use D Momma's car, or if need be ask Adam if he can come get me....Guess I'll find out what I need to do when D Daddy gets home....
I was slightly less depressed today...Not much, but slightly...And my Gay Lush and my Faithful Slut, I knew yall would say yall love me, that's why I specified in the post that even though I love yall too, I need a different kind of love...God, I’ve become so pathetic….
Now to the comments, simply because it's easier and quicker to post responses here rather than replying individually ^__^....
To my Gay Lush...I'm sorry, but I can't be yall's lesbian lover because I just prefer c**ks to what we all have in common, sorry, Lol ^_^…No lesbian threesomes for us, poor Gay Lush and Faithful Slut, I’m sure you’re both so crushed….Hee ^__^….I’ll try to cheer up, but no guarantees…And I shall try to remember, but ‘tis hard for me….And yeah, I know, thanks…I’ll keep it in mind to call you next time I’m feeling like hell and need to vent (even though you don’t like talking on the phone XD Lol)….
To my Faithful Slut….*huggles back*….You’re right, I do need hugs….Although hugs from a guy would be better, no offense :(…..You notice, all the people you’re naming who love me are all of the same gender as we are…?…Just saying……I shall try, but like I told out Gay Lush, no promises….You said “’til Tomorrow”….I’m gonna hold you to that……
Well, D Daddy got home around 830, and we went up to school….Why the hell is it that we tried all that time for Carrie to jump me yet he just hooks his truck up to mine and it starts just fine…?…Guh…But anywayz, so we got it home…It’s outside charging right now…Hopefully it’ll be fine in the morning…
Okay, my Faithful Slut posted for me to do her 7 Point Analysis, so here it goes:
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
Anything Evanescence….Or VP, of course XD….
3. I'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle you in.
Hmm, I dunno if I should choose red or blue…it’s a toss up…Hmm, how about red and blue swirled…..Random, I know…Don’t ask where the Hell that one came from, lol…..
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
“From the pits of Hell, I spit minty freshly at thee, Bitch!” (Something to that effect, lol) XD
5. I'll tell you my first memory of you.
April reading club meeting of my Sophomore/your Freshman year…I remember seeing you sitting over in the corner and then I remember you, of course, reading “The Raven” since it was poetry month, hee ^__^
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
A cat, of course, that was a silly question >^__^<
7. I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you.
Hmm, that’s a tough one…I ask you everything that I wonder…Okay, random question time! Hehe ^___^ Fuuun…for me at least, lol….Let’s see, *snrky* random question…What is the one thing I have ever said to make your mind completely melt? Not really *snrky* at all, not what I was going for but oh well, random nonetheless……
Okay, I’m starting to get tired now, I think I’m gonna post this and go to bed before too long…
Your Depressed Stuck-Up Bitch,
~DceptiveNocence >:(