May 01, 2005 18:10
Checked the official JK site today and was VERY pleasantly surprised, as you can probably tell from my subject....You all remember how a while back JK said Draco/Hermione was never going to happen....No, she didn't take it back today on her site, if she had, I would've died from overhappiness/shock...No, what happened was I checked on the latest rumours page and read through most recent rumour that she disclaimed....I shall type it up here for you all to read....
"Dumbledore is really Ron/Harry 'from the future'
Your inventiveness knows no bounds, and I do not mean that sarcastically; these theories open up exhilarating new vistas of possibility... but they're wrong. Could it be that by speculating that Harry/Ron becomes Dumbledore, you are seeking reassurance that neither dies young?
I've also heard a whisper about Ron and Hermione's son time-travelling, so I shall go further and tell you that NONE of the characters in the books has returned from the future. As for the idea of Ron and Hermione having a son... (chuckles as the distant roars of a million shippers reach my ears, all cursing me to an eternity of unsatisfied curiosity)."
..JK, I loved you before, now I love you even more...."The Good Ship" has been sunk...Hear that, Adam? Your ship is no more cannon than mine is now....I was squeeing like a school girl (which I guess I am, but you get the point) when I read that....She also disclaimed Neville/Luna somewhere farther down the page as well...I wonder what the ships will be in the end (if there are any at all)....
Well, on to other matters, aka RL matters.....On second thought, I'll do that later, I'm getting caught up in taking care of my clothes (aka basically cleaning my whole room)...I'll post in a bit.....