Feb 06, 2004 13:45
For the last week or so I been aided in having a personal revelation. Aided number one by someone whom has already had this revelation, and number B by recent excursions "out." Listening to some of my fellow students conversations in class I think may have also contributed. It's a simple enough revelation, embrace what you enjoy even if it is extremely Dorky. Todd mentioned this concept to me earlier in the week, while I was drawing pictures of Rock bands in his sketchbook, and he was scanning drawings of Jedi into his computer. Then later we played with an Online RPG. You see where I'm going? These are things that we enjoy. He mentioned that his given up going out and partying with some of our other friends, because he simply would rather be doing something else. I have been meditating on this concept since that night, and after last nights DJ night I think I may be following the same path. Too many "nights" in that last sentence, but fuck it. As I see it here are my options. I could stay in where it is warm, Draw, watch movies, read some of my books, and maybe write some (I should probably study, but who studies?). The other option is to drive ass far away in shitty weather (at least right now), to hang out out in smoke filled ear burstingly loud bars. You have the option to drink yourself into oblivion, but I'm done with that, doesn't hardly interest me. I'll take a gatorade or a Coke anyday. You could argue that partaking in these outings is being social, but honestly, it's the most superficial social setting there is. Most people jump from person to person making obligitory hellos and small talk. A real conversation is impossible since you are forced to scream in the other persons ear. Better and Better looks the path of the Dork. Lemme do a rundown of the typical post 21 pre 30 good time.
1. Find a small place meant for 100 people but stuff 300 in there
2. Spend the first 30 mins at least searching for parking
3. Abuse the closest substance avaiable
4. Listen to music in said place at dangerous decibels forcing the 300 people to scream constantly causing hearing damage quicker than a Man o War concert.
5. Saturate your clothing in Smoke and the scent of the surrounding population.
6. At the end of the night find the person who claims to have drank the least to drive home ( I seriously haven't met a legitimate DD in ages)
7. Get home extremely late, screwing your next day if you sleep in, and mind fucking you if you have to go to work.
8. Tell everyone that you had a great time.
It's not difficult to see that such a life style is quickly becoming unapealing. If such veiws as these paint me as Dorky or a loser, I am prepared to accept these titles. The one dissadvantage I could forsee in this new social policy, is eternal solitude, but I have been alone now for several years while attempting to be a party guy. At least this way I'm doing shit I enjoy, well...except for sex obviously. I haven't found a way to work that into the equation yet. That may cause me to abandon the Dork side. Sex is pretty awesome. For now though, like at least today, Dork all the way.