Extermination Verde Point

May 19, 2008 15:34

This is the 3rd time I have moved to a Toxic Homeland.

The first was in Los Angeles.
The area we referred to as EXTERMINATION ALLEY because of the cluster of insect and rodent extermination businesses on the street. The main cross streets of this neighborhood with no official name is Vermont and Beverly to Normandie and Beverley. Close to Downtown Los Angeles, North of Korea Town proper, South West of Silverlake and Echo Park, South of Hollywood this is a definite NOWHERE zone. Yet it has the highest percentage of people living west of the Mississippi River.

one eyed jacks, and scoops

Extermination Alley is home to "The Most Expensive Public School in The World" The Belmont Learning Center.

"Partially (60%) completed LAUSD Belmont Learning Center campus shown below. Costs to date have been estimated by LAUSD to be $174 million and by the California Joint Legislative Audit Committee to be $238 million. That includes purchasing 37 acres formerly known as the Los Angeles oil field from Japanese developer SHIMIZU for $30 million "as is".

Not all, but some, of the newly constructed Belmont buildings that were built on top of an earth quake fault and impacted by methane gas and hydrogen sulfide are to be demolished in the Fall of 2004.

An Additional $110 million has been approved by LAUSD for demolition and construction (Watch our 5.5 min video of demolition) to complete the project. LAUSD and oil and gas experts vary in their projected costs for remediation of the toxic substances, estimates range from $14 million to $107 million. Therefore, it is possible that Belmont High School could cost just under one-half a $BILLION dollars, barring any cost overruns and change orders. "

The second toxic place (that I know of) was In Val Verde, CA.  Home of the Chiquita Canyon Landfill.
The facility accepts approximately 5,000 to 6,000 tons per day. The landfill is restricted to receive no more than 6,000 tons per day or 30,000 tons per week. The Chiquita Canyon Landfill is an active dump. Highly flammable methane and other chemical gases are generated in most dumps for many years after closure. Gases from dumps have caused fires in the past and may have caused or fueled some of the fires now burning in Santa Clarita Valley.

Please contact the General Manager of the landfill to arrange for a tour. (I would love to come along.)

Mike Dean
General Manager
Chiquita Canyon Landfill
29201 Henry Mayo Drive
Valencia, CA 91355 Telephone: 661/257-3655
Fax: 661/257-5730
Now, Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
On google earth, it looks like an amazing park with tributaries and tons of space to roam. The reality is I am one block away from the waste management treatment center which perfumes the morning air. I am really scared for the smell of summer. Baby diapers would be refreshing. I just found out it is home to the epicenter of the biggest oil spill in the history of North America. This is the epicenter of the spill:

(More research on all 3 of my toxic apartments and homes will be posted on DCDCDC!
Because DC's are all around me... it is truly never ending.)
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