Please use this post to let me (or anyone who's interested in browsing the completed prompts) know what's done.
If anyone would like to volunteer to help me make a Delicious account or tagging system or anything, please let me know in either a PM or post your interest in the
Talk to the Mod post. Make sure to state “Volunteer Here!” or something like that in the title, so I see it. Thanks.
Try to rate your fic as best you can, though don't spazz over it. A basic idea of whether it's PG or R would be helpful to future readers. (Really, it's just for later tagging purposes.)
Use this rating system: G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17.
Likewise, try not to go crazy and list every single pairing for a fic. If Ollie/Dinah is only mentioned once in passing, it's not a primary pairing. Don't list it! However, if Tim/Conner keeps popping up in your Dick/Barbara fic, feel free to give a head's up for it.
Please use this form when listing your fill:
Fandom: [Superman/Batman/Teen Titans (Cartoon)...]
Fill Link:
Anything else you want your fic tagged by: [Humor/Robin Abuse/Noncon...]
*Not all info may be used for actual tags later on. I'm putting all this here just in case.