BatFlash Fic Search

Mar 17, 2012 20:09

I looking for a multi-chapter wip or it may have been abdandoned, written years ago. Anyway I think Flash (Wally) was lost in the speed force or something from the fist chapter. I remember it affects Batman the hardest. He realises he felt something for the Flash. With the Flashs' DNA he makes a clone. He may have the DNA of other members as well. I think the first couple clones died. Than one made it through just as Bruce was thinking of giving up. So than there is a kid version of Wally. I think Bruce nicknames the clone something different from the original so both can have seperate identaties. Not sure if the Wally clone starts out with some years in or as a baby. But he grows crazy fast. Most of the story takes place at the Wayne Manor. I also remember that Alfred was there and The Juctice League make guest appereaces.
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