Batman: When OMAC Attacks! Review

Oct 17, 2009 19:16

Another set of Jack Kirby characters gets animated (OMAC, GPA, and Marshal Kafka). Neat.

Very interesting episode. Feels like a lot of foreshadowing.


Cameos: Not much except for the Controllers and the Warlords of Okaara (who previously cameo'ed as victims of Sinestro in "The Eyes of Despero!").

What the Hay: The Batmobile can morph into a space shuttle? Meh, why not? Look at what it's morphed into so far. Alien Nullifier Beam? :D

Meh: Hawk and Dove. Thank you, James Tucker, for boiling down a JLU episode into a 1 minute teaser scene.

Gripe: Could have explained Shrapnel's Reactive Power Absorbing ability a little better. I didn't catch on until the last second as OMAC tripped him into submission.

Best line: "Still the paragon of subtlety, I see" - Kafka (to OMAC)

Neato: Equinox changes the Batarang into a bat.

LOL: The tree branch falls on Batman as he tries to tackle Equinox.

Was this a Curse Word 30 years ago? - "Ah, Nertz." (OMAC)

That's Deep..Is this a Children's Show? - Equinox comparing him/itself to Batman. How the heck can Batman fight Equinox, who now appears to be powered by magical beings? More magic? We know Dr. Fate and Etrigan/Jason Blood were introduced on the show already. Maybe on of them will appear again. Maybe Fate since Etrigan and Blood have gotten spotlight episodes already. And how ironic that be, Dr. Fate fighting Equinox voiced by Oded Fehr?

the brave and the bold, james tucker, omac, batman

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