Jun 18, 2009 18:50
I just read the first tidbits of Comic Con as it relates to my niche in nerd-dom. Apparently on July 24 at 10 am, James Tucker and crew will debut episode #25 of Batman: The Brave and the Bold before it airs tentatively set for the fall. I can't say anymore, because it goes off into spoilers. But if you're into hype, it's as kick ass good as "Legends of the Dark Mite" and can easily be way better.
Tim Kring confirmed that Heroes will be at Comic Con and there will be a panel and footage of season four will be shown. I've accepted that Volume One is on this pillar of greatness that will never be duplicated, Volume Two got messed up, Volume Three was the hang-over, and Volume Four was what were were waiting for since Volume One showed us an effed up future if you had a super power. Despite the up's and downs, it's still better than everything else on TV, and I'll keep watching it. That said, there's definitely going to be more pressure on Volume 5 since it's basically the beginning of a new arc or a status quo that took three seasons to re-establish.
Some things they better get right are:
1) A new, powerful Big Bad that can last for awhile whose name doesn't rhyme with Mylar.
2) An evil, irredeemable Big Bad.
3) The past four volumes have marginalized ethnic minority characters. Suresh is written off everytime. Look at Volume Four, he became the nurse to take Hiro's pulse. Look at Maya. She had potential to be another Peter-type character but they reduced her to a sex object in Volume Three and wrote her off to the graphic novels. Monica, pretty much the same thing. All of a sudden, Hiro's got a disease and has to go home and can't fight in the finale.
4) Talk about Primatech's history and get it over with!! I want the Vault of Doom to be a major plot reveal so bad.
I barely got any but I have to rewatch "Cold Snap." There looked like there was a lot of time where HRG and Tracy were together that was skipped. What if she made a deal with HRG to save Rebel, who then made a deal with Angela [that was realized in the online stuff], in exchange for having a significant role in the formation of a new Company. It seemed implied that HRG and Angela were thinking about it before the 1961 flashback. But in order to secure that new Company, Anglea suggested the lying, bribing, killing, etc. What if HRG recruited Tracy to kill off the remaining agents involved with Building 26? To me, Tracy always acts in concert with other figures of power, not by herself. She was with Senator Malden, then Nathan, then Arthur, then Nathan, and now possibly with Angela and HRG.
I was thinking of Big Bads and since individual characters after Sylar failed to hold up (Adam Monroe, Maury Parkman, Arthur Petrelli, Knox, Flint, Eric Doyle, etc), Kring should just go Legion of Doom and have a second Company of super powered people who do things for not good reasons, like money. Case in point, in one of the webiseries posted online, titled Destiny, we met Santiago, a fan-created new character with a super cool power. He was kidnapped by a new company who recruits supers to be assassins for hire to the highest bidder. Santiago's father Edward was an assassin but faked his death to leave the company. At the conclusion, Edward, Santiago, Santiago's mother, and an ex-agent who fell in love with Santiago are in hiding and the recruiter, SLW (Scary Looking Woman) [played by Andrea Thompson if I recall] survived a point blank attack from Edward by holding a key to absorb electricity. Very bad-ass. We know they have at least one training facility in the USA, in Chicago, have Sprint cellphones (:\), and have a way to track supers like Primatech. Big Bad replacement, solved.
A panel is set for July 25. I can't wait to see what kind of ARG will take place this time. Last year, it was related to taking all these tests to join the DHARMA Initiative (simulating how Jack, Kate, Hurley, and co. joined up). But if involves weaving elaborate tapestries about the not-set-in-stone yet manipulated destinies of people who are loosely connected to each other, I'm out. Will everyone get shot back to season one?, are we just tools to two cosmic beings who never heard that facial hair is out?, who else from sci-fi tv can possibly be cast on Lost?!, is there one more Hatch left to blow up?!!!
The third series based on the movie is set to premiere in October. For the unseasoned, US military finds alien device that transports you to other planets and galaxies. Meet evil aliens, meet good aliens, get cool technology, save Earth dozens of times, find out related to one of good aliens. This series is supposed to be more stand alone and more gritty than the previous ones. An unlikely group of military, scientists, and civilians get stuck on an alien ship that populates planets with new stargates. The ship is millions of years old. The story is about survival. The commercials have peaked my interest. Sure some fans have screamed Battlestar rip-off but the show runners, Brad Wright and Robert Cooper have earned my support as a fan. They weaved such a great mythos, I admit I like Stargate better than Star Trek and Star Wars.
Based on the 80's series, V is about aliens who infiltrate the top government positions on Earth. A human resistance movement starts and human spies are used. Sound bland? Well Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliet on Lost) and Morena Baccarin (Firefly) are in it. Sold.
Whedon and cast will debut the two hour unofficial episode "Epitaph One." Know anything about this one?
Leonard Nemoy as the Big Bad?!
james tucker,
stargate: universe,
tim kring,
joss whedon,
batman: the brave and the bold,
comic con