(no subject)

Mar 13, 2009 03:02

1:30pm ask chet why he is still here.
1:45pm get breakfast
2pm get mail. goodies from amazon dot com. I complete my evening with kevin smith collection. I also get dana carveys squatting monkeys stand up just so I can watch his "Critic's Choice" special from the 90s. Lastly I now have all of the Garfield TV specials from the 80s. Grew up with these. Proceed to watch all nine specials.
5pm break from Garfield to text with farmer. he and the dell are no more. Start fantasy baseball league. Continue with Garfield.
8pm watch some basketball. Watch more Garfield.
1am eat some nuggets while while chet and I watch "food porn"
2am chet fills the cup
3am leave chet sleeping on couch. try to remember how I wasted today.
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