Title: Poison Linage
Author: Alternate Historians
Rating: R
Characters: Edogowa Conan/Kudo Shinichi, Hakuba Saguru, Kuroba Kaito/Kaito Kid, Hattori Heiji
Pairings: Kuroba Kaito/Hakuba Saguru, Hattori Heiji/Kudo Shinichi
Summary: Apotoxin works with a certain chemical formula, unfortunately, one of those ingredients is alive and walking around.
Notes: This started out as crack...then became not.
Poison Linage
Belladonna, n.: In Italian a beautiful lady; in English a deadly poison. A striking example of the essential identity of the two tongues.-Ambrose Bierce
It was quiet on the roof of the Tokyo City Museum and Bakery (and no, we don't ask about the name, a family feud gone wrong), well...quiet, if one considered shouting and manic giggling quiet.
The two detectives, the ones who were shouting, were currently stuck behind a very odd sculpture of Barnabus the Great and Wiggly, a statue that was currently being stolen by Kaitou Kid (he would be the one with the case of manic giggles).
Apparently, the thief had rescinded his rule not to steal anything bigger then his head, claiming the statue of a tentacled boy 'called' to him. Saguru was of the theory that the thief was just far too high on chocolate left over from Valentines Day and that the holiday should be banned.
But theories and giggling aside, the point remained that the detectives were stuck...literally, well, more like tied up. Some how, and Saguru fully blamed Conan for this, they had gotten themselves wrapped in the ropes that Kid was using to transport the statue...much to the thief's amusement, especially since he really, for once, had no hand in the matter.
"Scoot over a bit," Conan muttered, wiggling, both trying to get a tentacle out of his back, and trying to reach the taller detective's pocket. As Saguru squirmed, Conan managed to get the boy's pocket watch free of Saguru's coat, clicking open the face before promptly slamming it against the marble statue.
Saguru was about to comment on his now broken watch, when he realized that Conan was using the glass shards to free them...he also realized he was bleeding.
As the ropes fell away from his arm, Saguru raised the bleeding appendage to see how much damage had been done to his hand. As he did, a single droplet of blood fell free from his wrist, landing on Conan's lips, the boy instinctively licking them.
That single drop was enough to send the boy screaming in pain.
Kaito jerked around, two cards flashing from his gun, releasing a smoking Conan who dropped easily into Saguru's arms. Kaito jumped from the mini-blimp, watching for a moment as it started to fly away without him before shrugging it off, hoping his mother would consider the possible replacement of the marble statue a reasonable business expense, joining Saguru's side as the detective laid Conan on the rooftop.
"Bar the door," he ordered Saguru, kneeling over Conan and un-buttoning the boy's shirt, removing the Bow Tie voice changer so that it didn't strangle the growing detective.
"What is hap…"
"Bar. The. Door." This time the words were clipped, Kaito easily un-dressing Conan without a care to what it may look like, almost getting kicked in a delicate place as Conan's feet started to grow past Kaito's legs.
Saguru frowned at the thief before doing as bid, using his handcuffs to keep the door firmly latched shut before returning to the thief's side, blinking at the now teenage chibi detective. "Explanations?"
"Tantei-kun has a…small problem, drug induced shrinkage, no clue why you dripping on him started this reaction, however."
Saguru blinked at Kaito, drawing his arm close to his chest to keep from bleeding on anything else. He stood, watching the pair for a moment, before turning and vanishing into the night, leaving Kaito to stare after him in confusion.