Conjour's Masqurade (9/?)

Nov 10, 2009 20:12

Story Information:

Title: Conjour's Masquerade
Authour: Saitaina
Rating: R (chapter)/NC-17 (full story)
Characters: Kuroba Kaito, Hakuba Saguru, Koizumi Akako, Edogowa Conan/Kudo Shinichi, Kuroba Mika (Kaito's Mother), Jii, Nakamori Aoko, Nakamori Ginzo, Edward St. Claire, Pierre Lemont, Ask, Eva, Pan, Kuma, Honua, Bohdona, Edogowa Kiden, Leif, Kidoko.
Pairings: Kuroba Kaito/Hakuba Saguru, Edogowa Conan/Koizumi Akako, Kuroba Mika/Jii, Nakamori Aoko/Pierre Lemont, Kuroba Kaito/Edogowa Kiden/Hakuba Saguru, Eden/Ask, Eva/Pan, Kuma/Honua, Nakamori Ginzo/Nakamori Maria
Summary: It's been seven years, since the death of Kaitou Kid, but there is still one thing out there, Kaito and Kiden left un-finished.
WARNINGS: Sex, death, illness, MAGIC, blood/gore, slight religious content later.
Previous Stories: Magician's Waltz, Ilusionist's Ball.
Previous Chapters: Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Chapter V, Chapter VI, Chapter VII, Chapter VIII.

Chapter Information:

Title: Misdirection
Summary: A heist in Cairo, Egypt, a fist fight and someone goes home.
Notes: Year? I know not this year you speak of. *walks off innocently*

Misdirection is the key element. We can create a space where we give them something to look at to take their mind away from what they really should be seeing.

-Chris Conti

"How are things going?" Bohdie asked over her small microphone, watching the museum through her binoculars.

"Fine, I'm on the second level already, they barely have any...crap."


There was a moment of silence, followed by the spray of an arasol can and a thump of a body hitting the floor. "Sorry, surprise guard, I must say, this gas works beautifully. I wonder if Kiden would let me keep it?"

"Just head upstairs, you thief." Bohdie said fondly, proud of her thief in training. Leif had gone from a small time pickpocket to someone worthy of being Kid's apprentice quite well.

"I'm at the stairwell now...well, that's interesting. I didn't know a human body could contort into such a position..."

"You haven't seen some of the tapes from the girls at the Playpen," Bohdie said with a snort, just imagining the acts Leif could be witness to. "Now stop gawking." She focused her binoculars on the third floor window that housed their target, zooming in to get a good look at the room, nodding in satisfaction at the simple alarm of motion detectors and what appeared to be a dozing guard.

This wasn't after all, an announced theft.

"Alright, you're all set, just be careful."

"I always am,"

"Eh, stop being smug, boy."

Leif smiled and turned off his earpieces before carefully and slowly setting down the bag he had been carrying. He knelt, also slowly, carefully un-zipping the bag and pulling out a white flannel sheet. Raising an eyebrow at the 'tool' to Bohdie had given him to get past the sensors before shrugging and standing, holding the sheet in front of him, trying to cover all the angles he could and covering what he couldn't by walking inch by tiny inch.

It took him half an hour to get to the case that was shielding the gem he was after, smug in his success. He dropped the sheet and reached gloved hands out to lift the glass, managing to get it clear of the gem before an alarm suddenly started blaring.

Lief cursed, dropping the glass case and grabbing the emerald, taking off as the guard across the room snorted awake, shouting after him. He fumbled with the lock of a window, diving through it just before he could be grabbed.

It was about then, that he realized he was still three floors up and cursed, turning himself in the air, and hissing as he hit the ground at a roll, amazed that he felt rather in-tact rather then broken into tiny pieces. He painfully pushed himself up, and limped his way, as quickly as he could, to the area where Bohdie was waiting, thankful for at least, that the guards were running the other direction.

He collapsed into the car, wincing as his ankle throbbed painfully, in unison with his shoulders. He looked at Bohdie's smirking face and flipped her off, before handing over the emerald he had retained his hold on.


Kaito stood in the shadows of their hotel room, staring at his lover as Saguru poured over the layout of the Cairo Museum, occasionally making notes as he double checked what he knew with what displays were available at the time. He bit his lip, worrying it between his teeth before crossing the room and taking a seat on the couch across from Saguru, running a hand through his hair.

Saguru looked up, peering intently at Kaito before setting his notes down, frowning at his lover. "Are you alright? You look stressed."

"I'm...fine," Kaito said, biting his tongue, annoyed he couldn't get the words out of his mouth. "Saguru...I need to talk to you about something."

Saguru frowned more and sat back against the couch, waiting for Kaito to continue, not wanting to guess at what could be on the other man's mind, in case he was wrong...or gave the man ideas for future conversations.

Kaito sighed, running his hands through his hair again before clasping them in front of him, trying to figure out how best to approach the topic. "Last night, I came into some information, that I think you should know." He started, staring at his hands, unable to look up at his lover. "Seventeen years ago, your father had an affair." Kaito held out his hand to forestall any comment he was sure Saguru was about to make. "I don't know who with and I don't know why. I do know however, she was a member of the Black Organization. The result of this affair was a child, one whom your father left behind with his mother."

"Him?" Saguru said, his voice breaking slightly.

Kaito nodded before taking a breath. "Saguru,, Kudo Yuki, is your younger brother."

Saguru stared at his lover, his mouth dropped open slightly, as the blond tried to wrap his mind around being related, closely related, to that angry, rotten...bratty little twerp. Who was currently fucking his ex. "I..." Saguru ran his fingers through his hair, almost tugging the strands out. "I can't deal with this right now, Kaito. I have things to do."

"Saguru..." Kaito said softly, reaching out to his boyfriend who pulled away violently, covering the action by scooping up the blueprints and notes, standing.

"I'm going to go into Conan's room to work," he mumbled, almost to himself before heading into the room their companion used, a very confused and half asleep Conan coming out a moment later.

Conan blinked at Kaito for a moment, before shuffling off to the magician's room, the door shutting and locking behind him. Kaito groaned and rested his face in his hands, wondering what to do now.


Eva tucked her hair back under the bun that was straining to contain it, blowing a long bang from her face as she glanced around the museum, smiling at the curator as he crossed before her.

"Is everything ready?" Pan's voice floated into her ear and Eva hid a smile, turning her head to look into her drawer, masking her mouth movements.

"Everything's set, we're just waiting on the star," Eva said and there was a shout heard faintly over her ear piece, followed by Ask's cursing. "Let me guess, she started ahead of time?"

"Got it in one, head up, she's on her way down."

Eva stood, listening to the sounds of the people around her, faintly hearing the thud of guard's bodies hitting the ground. The door burst open behind her, not the entrance they had planned, and Kidoko came flipping in, dropping two smoke bombs. Eva covered her mouth with a face mask, grabbing a can of what appeared to be hairspray and leaving the room, taking care of the last few guards and the curator, before heading for the display room, checking her watch before opening the door, spying Kidoko stealing the golden jewelry they were after. She smiled, and then screamed, as a hand fell on her shoulder.

Turning, ready to explain her presence, she swatted at Pan who just smiled and jerked his thumb over his shoulder. "Check out the fight,"

Eva blinked and followed the pointed out path, peering out the window at the street below.


"Saguru, come on, they're not going to let you in," Kaito whispered, tugging on his boyfriend's arm.

"They bloody well will let me in! This is my case, Kid is just here for a layover, they don't have to chase him around the globe."

The man in charge of the Cairo police glanced at Saguru before snorting. Muttering something in Arabic, the man gestured to Saguru and two uniformed officers came over to escort Saguru back behind the police lines and out of their hair, having already done the same to quite a few "detectives" who just wanted to add a high profile case to their reputations.

Saguru cursed, glaring at the officers as the pair was all but pushed over the boundaries instead of under them. The officers saluted and went back to the captain to get their orders.

"No see, they wouldn't have...where are you going now?!"

Saguru shushed Kaito, before sneaking around the back of the crowd, managing to find the one small alley not covered, mostly because the two officers who were guarding it were currently un-conscious. Saguru ran up the dark alley, cursing again. The door at the end opened and the dark figure crashed into Saguru, sending them both flying to the ground, a smoke screen appearing around them.

Saguru grabbed the slender wrist of the figure, clapping a handcuff around it. "You are under arre..." He trailed off, staring at the blue eyes above his, taking in the distant, vacant look in them. "Run, you idiot," he said with a sigh, releasing his captive.

Kiden took a scared look at Saguru and took off, darting down the street, before circling back to meet up with the others.

"Why did you let him go?" Kaito asked, offering a hand to help Saguru back up.

"Because I saw that look before...when you woke up." Saguru muttered, leaning against the wall, gently banging the back of his head against it.


"I knew you would be here," Kaito said, smiling at the white figure lounging on top of the stone stature.

Kiden looked up and snorted, scooting over so his other half had room to lounge with him, turning back to the clear stars above them. "Oh? And how did you figure that one out?"

"It's the highest place to the Pyramids, and even I would kill you if you climbed them." he took a seat next to Kiden, resting his head on his twin's shoulder. "Besides, Pan told me you flew out here when I went looking for you."

"I could have landed on the Step Pyramid, it's kinda flat," Kiden pointed out.

"Yes, but the Sphinx suits" Kaito sighed, breathing in the scent of Kiden, before suddenly clutching at the other man. "Stop running away," he whispered. "Every time I find you, I turn around and you've vanished again."

"I'm sorry, Kaito. I hadn't meant for that to happen," Kiden said, running his fingers through Kaito's hair.

"Then why did it?" Kaito asked, a childish pout on his face.

Kiden shook his head, his fingers brushing down his twin's cheek. "You know the answer to that, things com up."

Kaito sighed, pulling himself even closer to Kiden, their legs entwining. "What are you going to do after all this?"

"I haven't even dared to think about it. I'm too focused on actually getting this over and done with. The Black Org won't stay quiet for long, and there are still a lot of gems in the world to search through," Kiden said with a small sigh, pulling Kaito onto him as if the magician was a large, human shaped blanket. "Probably retire...and depending on where the BO is at that time, either continue helping the team or," he trailed off, shrugging. "I have no idea, I've never thought of it really. This was my life."

Kaito was silent for a long moment, thinking over their lives, especially Kiden's. After a bit, he gave up on that, tilting his head up to accept the kiss he knew Kiden was more then ready to give him. Kaito turned on Kiden's body, positioning himself better as he slid his fingers up into Kiden's hair, pulling away from the kiss to watch the white top hat tumble off into the darkness before sharing a look with Kiden, the pair giggling for a moment before Kiden pulled Kaito back down into a kiss, moaning as Kaito pressed his body into Kiden's.


"It's see you again," Eva said with a smile, reaching out to gently squeeze Kiden's hand.

"It's nice to be seen. I just wish we had known it could have been a possibility, be able to put plans into place," Kiden said with a sigh, peeling the label off of his beer.

"Everything went fine, Kid-" Honua started, pausing at the glare sent by Kiden. "Eden. Kidoko performed well and we got what we needed both times. Our clients will be pleased."

Kiden reached out his hand, taking the small black box from Pan, studying the antique, shaking his head. "It still shouldn't have happened," Kiden said as he opened the black obsidian box, removing the diamond and white gold bracelet that rest inside, holding it up to the artificial light of the street lamps, watching as the gems shimmered. "Happy Birthday, Yuki," he whispered with a smile, before quickly shoving the purloined bracelet back in it's box as the teenager in question appeared at the table, carefully raising the tray of fresh drinks from his lap to hand around the table.

"Angry cop at two o'clock," Kumu said, accepting his coffee from as and the group turned, Kiden raising an eyebrow at Saguru who seemed to be clearing a path via 'pissed off aura' alone. He stood to greet his ex, and promptly received a fist into his jaw, the strength of the hit sending him spinning slightly.

"That's for faking your death," Saguru said, shaking his hand.

Recovering his footing, Kiden winced, working his mouth to make sure all his teeth still fit together, thus un-prepared for what happened next. Eva screamed as Saguru's arm reared back again, and this time Kiden hit the ground, blood pooling in his mouth, slipping down his throat and clogging his airway as he tried to figure out what happened.

Pan and Eva were there in an instant, trying to get Kiden to sit up and spit out the blood, while Kumu and Honua kept Saguru from possibly attacking Kiden again, thought it appeared that the blond was spend, nursing his split knuckles.

Kiden finished spitting out the excess blood in his mouth, raising his eyes to Saguru, confusion clear in them as to why the blond had hit him a second time, this time hard enough to actually break the thief's jaw.

"That was for fucking around with my baby brother," Saguru said, not even looking at Ask as he turned on his heel, ready to leave, only to find Kaito and Conan standing behind him. The look on Kaito's face made shame suddenly flood the blond and Saguru look away, ignoring at Conan ran past him to check on his brother. Saguru felt a hand on his own, hissing as Kaito's finger brushed over the wounded knuckles.

"Come on," Kaito said softly, re-adjusting his grip before tugging Saguru along. "Let's get this checked out."


"I'm not discussing my plans with him in here," Kiden said stubbornly (and quite slurred), giving his own 'brother' a look.

Conan rolled his eyes and shoved another ice chip in the thief's mouth, making sure Kiden couldn't speak. "You're not discussing anything until after surgery," the teenager added, taking his seat next to Kiden's hospital bed, picking back up the magazine he had been reading before Kiden had been brought into his room.

"He's right, Eden, we can discuss everything after." Eva said, brushing her fingers through Kiden's hair.

"Where's Ask?" Kiden managed to get out around the ice, staring grumpily around the room.

"He's downstairs in the taxi. You know hospitals make him nervous," Kiden nodded, rubbing absently at his temples, wishing he could get his thoughts in order. "His birthday...make sure he gets it,"

'You can give it to him yourself tomorrow," Pan said, frowning as Kiden shook his head.

"Just...make sure, alright?"


"He's gone," Kaito said softly, leaning against the doorway of Saguru's room.

"Who is?" Saguru asked, looking up from his novel, wincing as his hand protested the movement of closing the book.

"Kiden. According to the chaos at the hospital, he left a few hours after his jaw surgery."

Saguru cursed, sliding off the bed and pulling Kaito close. "We'll find him again, he can't stay gone long."

"He left this...for you," Kaito said, holding out an envelope with Kiden's wild scrawl across it.

Saguru frowned, setting his book aside and taking the envelope, sitting it open with a pen knife, only to have it explode with confetti and what appeared to be a 'Welcome Home' banner.

"Welcome...home?" Saguru asked, confused.


Akako rested a hand over her large stomach, gently rubbing it as she stirred her cup of tea, before setting the spoon side, gently raising the delicate china to her lips. She had just barely tasted the tea when a noise startled her, causing her to drop the cup, the porcelain shattering across the floor. "Who's there?" She demanded, picking up a broom from where she had set it aside, raising it defensively.

"Easy there, Little Miss, just a harmless thief," Kiden called from the shadows.

The mop slipped out of Akako's grasp and she clutched her stomach, staring at the darkness from where the voice had come from. "Kiden?" she breathed out, her free hand going to clutch at the counter.

Kiden stepped from behind her, gently placing his hand over hers on top of her stomach, resting his face against her neck. "I've missed you," he breathed, stirring the fine hairs of her neck.

Akako sagged back against her best friend, tears slipping down her cheeks. "I've been waiting," She whispered back, before turning and wrapping her arms tightly around Kiden, crying into his shoulder as he held her tightly enough to break her.

nakamori aoko, kuroba kaito, edogawa conan, series!conjour's masquerade, kaitou kid, pairing!b&w, koizumi akako, hakuba saguru, author!saitaina

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