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This has been my current obsession thanx to some certain someones who shall remain nameless *cough*Lindsay*cough**cough*Sabrina*cough*
Yes, as a certain someone had mentioned earleir, it is soo much easier to admit to liking a pop song when it's in a language you don't understand.
Hana Kimi Live Action is AMAZING
Princess Princess D Live Action is LOVE
Currently awaiting the completion of my downloaded The Prince of Tennis Live Action movie. A lot of reviews say it's terrible, but that won't stop me. Come on, you watch live action renditions of your favorite comics/cartoons because you expect them to be bad and ultimately "cracktastic." I can't wait ^.^
As for real life, that actually does count:
- one more week of classes to be followed by a week of exams
- JACON in 2 more weekends... I can't wait ^.^ who's going?
- I think I've decided what I'm going to do with my hair
- typing in 'emo boys/girls kissing' on google presents one with the ultimate procrastination
- as much as I like to poke fun at the genre, emos are just so cute
- I will be officially come Wednesday the UT Anime Club president (be prepared for much complaining in the year to come)
- Next weekend I'm going to Pembroke Pines to start moving out of my apartment
- Next weekend I will start job searching, I still need to pay off the rest of the money for Vietnam
- talking about Vietnam, I got my plane tickets last weekend ^.^
- although sensei is leaving to go to FIU, Dr. Taylor may have found a new professor to teach Japanese III, everyone cross your fingers... I really really want to further my knowledge in the language
- I've decided that if I don't get into JET after graduating I am moving to either Mass or Toronto
- Looking for a fourth player for elemental campaign this summer, let me know if you are interested
Got to go next door and ask that "Thumper" put the bass down... again >.<
Let me know what ya'll are up to this summer! I want to see everyone!!