Sep 03, 2009 08:21
Silk Road: Asian Cinema
and Culture (SILK)
Silk Road Meet and Greet:
Come meetand greet the SilkRoad staff as we
discuss upcoming highlights of this weekends
scheduled activities and panels. Fri 10:00 am;
L508 [M]
I Ching The History and the Mystery:
Explore the History and the mystery of the acient
art of I Ching and Chinese Horoscopes and how
they still apply today to modern day living. C. K.
Barrett; Fri 11:30 am; L508 [M]
Asian Philosophy and Mythology:
Listen and share as we discuss some of the greatest
stories ever told. We will be discussing ancient philosophy,
wisdom and elements of Chinese and Japanese
Mythologies. C. K. Barrett; Fri 1:00 pm; L508 [M]
Modular Origami:
Hands on. Learn a modular origami fold to create
gems and cubes. Best for ages 12 and up. K.
McGibony (M); Fri 2:30 pm; L508 [M]
Come learn the art of Haiku, fandom's favorite form
of poetry. Bring your favorites or freeform with us.
S. Shockley (M); Fri 4:00 pm; L508 [M]
Asian Street Fashion:
Harajuku, Lolita, do you know what they are
and how to tell them apart? Join us for a lively
discussion and demonstration of the latest trends
in Asian street fashion. K. McGibony (M); Fri 5:30
pm; L508 [M]
Sabuti Musashi: Ningage-ryu:
Ningage-ryu a Japanese martial arts style with
roots in the 1300's, continues to live. Grandmaster
Mausashi uses a sword, cane, and walking stick to
amaze. S. Musashi; Fri 7:00 pm; Hanover C-E [H]
Drum Circle and Etiquette:
Basic drum rythms and how to have fun in a drum
circle. All skill levels are encouraged to attend. M.
Eaves (M); Fri 7:00 pm; L508 [M]
Ohayo is not Goodbye-Japanese 101:
Basic Japanese for travelers and students. Because
chances are your going to need to know where your
hotel is. C. K. Barrett; Fri 8:30 pm; L508 [M]
Lost In Translation, a Journey into Asian
You know you love Asian Cinema from chop socky
schlock to colorful masterpieces. . Put your Two yen
in an open forum. R. Fitz; Fri 10:00 pm; L508 [M]
Tattooing in the Eastern World:
A panel discussing Asian ink and its history. Explore
the rich history of Asian body art. Immediately
following discussion will be an Asian themed show
and tell. . Please use discretion when showing your
tattoos. Justin (M); Fri 11:30 pm; L508 [M]
Asian Ball Jointed Dolls:
Open panel discussion, join Tina Rose Black as
she journeys into the facinating world of Asian ball
jointed dolls. Bring your BJD to show and tell and
learn more about these highly customizable Asian
dolls. T. Black (M); Sat 11:30 am; L508 [M]
Godzilla Bingo Extravaganza:
Come one come all to our first annual Godzilla
Bingo Extravaganza. Movie with bingo cards, trailer
shows and prizes. All ages welcome to attend. T.
Blanks (M); Sat 1:00 pm; L508 [M]; 2.5 Hr(s)
Story Time Origami:
Children learn to fold preprinted origami to
accompany a spoken story. Fun activity for the whole
family. K. McGibony (M); Sat 4:00 pm; L508 [M]
What's with the Bowing?:
Asian culture and customs. Join us as weexplore
the do's and dont's of and the reasons behind
some of the perplexing aspects of Asian society and
culture. C. K. Barrett; Sat 5:30 pm; L508 [M]
Asian Hairstyles Simple to Elaborate:
A demonstration of elaborate Asian hairstyles.
Including braids,buns, twists,topknots. With a brief
history and how to of hairsticks, Kanzashi hairpins
and basic ornamentation. Sat 7:00 pm; L508 [M]
Kimono a Walk through History:
Know the difference between an obi and a kimono?
Join us for a discussion and demonstration of
the clothing of the Silk Road. A must for those
interested in Asian costuming. S. Lysinger (M); Sat
8:30 pm; L508 [M]
Painted Faces, the Meanings of Make Up
in Japanese Culture:
Whats the deal with all the bright makeup? Join us as
we explore the whys and wherefors of Japanese
makeup from Geisha to Kabuki Theater. R. Fitz; Sat
10:00 pm; L508 [M]
Pigs Might Fly-an Origami Discussion:
International Author Richard Saunders will talk
about the process of inventing and writing books on
origami. He will also discuss the steps for filming
for You Tube and his new title "DVD Origami". With
a bonus lesson on how to make Pigasus The Flying
Pig". R. Saunders; Sun 10:00 am; L508 [M]
Origami Round Robin:
Come fold with us as we learn to make a variety of
origami creatures and structures in a round robin
format. This panel is suitable for all ages and skill
levels. R. Saunders, K. McGibony (M); Sun 11:30
am; L508 [M]
Tai Chi and Tai Chi Chu'an of Yin and Yang:
Join James Garner of the Dragon Cloud Tai Chi
Association as he demonstrates the graceful
movements of the Tai Chi form, and explains how they
relate to the fighting art of Tai Chi Chuan, and how
the body mechanics from fighting can provide health
benefits. J. Garner (M); Sun 1:00 pm; L508 [M]
Sabutai Musashi: Ningage-ryu:
Ningage-ryu a Japanese martial arts style with
roots in the 1300's, continues to live. Grandmaster
Mausashi uses a sword, cane, and walking stick to
amaze. S. Musashi; Sun 2:30 pm; Hanover C-E [H]
Gems of the Orient:
Join noted gemologist Robert Wade of the Phoenix
Mine Company. As he discusses the gems and jewelry
of the East. R. Wade (M); Sun 4:00 pm; L508 [M]
Tea the Good the Bad and the Awful:
Join us as we discuss the many varietys of teas
from Japan, China, and around the world, and the
myths legends and health benefits attributed to
them. This will be an open panel discussion. S.
Shockley (M); Sun 5:30 pm; L508 [M]
Vending Machine Culture and We Speak
Engrish Here:
They put what in a vending machine? Find out the
astounding variety and enjoy our montage of our
favorite signs that somehow got lost in translation.
Sun 7:00 pm; L508 [M]
Geshia Theater with Ana Ikimaru:
Journey to the Orient with us as we experience the
timeless beauty of a preforming Geshia. The Silk
Road is proud to present this preformance by Ana
Ikamaru a noted Geshia Impersonater. Sun 8:30
pm; L508 [M]
New Wave Asian Horror:
Forget freddy, forget Jason. The Asian bad boys
and girls are much more frightening. Open forum
discussion about the new/ old Asian horrer genre.
R. Fitz; Sun 10:00 pm; L508 [M]
Adult Themes in Asian Pop Art:
Explore the racy side of Asian culture through
Pop Art. A lively discussion and presentation on a
subject that would seemingly taboo in such a strict
culture. C. K. Barrett; Sun 11:30 pm; L508 [M]
Everything Old is New Again Asian Splash
and Ink Painting:
Join us as we discuss the many variations of
Asian spash and Ink Painting. We will cover basic
techniques and a brief history of these timeless
arts. Mon 10:00 am; L508 [M]
Origami Open Fold:
Join us as we fold anything and everything into
amazing and wondurous paper art. R. Saunders, K.
McGibony (M); Mon 11:30 am; L508 [M]
Towel Origami for Hoopy Froods:
Every good Hitchiker knows a towel is your most
important piece of traveling equipment. Join Us as
we fold towels, into magical and mythical beasts.
This is a must see for anyone interested in this
hilarious art of practical origami. S. Shockley (M);
Mon 1:00 pm; L508 [M]
The End of the Road:
Join us as we talk about the weekend and read
suggestions for next year accumulated through out
the weekend from our suggestion box. . Mon 2:30
pm; L508 [M]