So, this is it....

Jul 29, 2009 23:31

She couldn't help but lift a hand to her cheek to dab away the tear that dared to spill over her eyelid. How could this happen? She felt as if a huge breath of fresh air had been pushed into her lungs, despite the dingy smog that clung to the thick, Gotham air. "Coming home" usually had that effect, especially after she'd been gone for so long ( Read more... )

gotham city, dr. mid-nite, black canary, oracle

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Comments 23

l33t_winged_bat July 30 2009, 04:21:18 UTC
There was, of course, about 25 unopened e-mails, but there's a message on the machine.

"At some point, I really need to introduce you to secure voice mail. It's Barbara. I'm wondering how the solo work went. You know the number."


black_canaryii July 30 2009, 04:43:30 UTC
A slow smile curled into her lips, hearing Babs' voice. Of course, she thought, and rolled her eyes. With a sigh, she drew out her cell from her jacket pocket and dialed Barbara.

"Hey, you," as soon as the phone picked up. "You know me: cellphones are a close second to computers--we've never gotten along." Obviously putting off talking about her "solo work" she cleared her throat. "It was fine. What do you have for me, Oracle? I could really use a workout..." she sighed deeply. "And I should probably know the news as of late. What's been going on since I flew the nest? pun intended, of course."


l33t_winged_bat July 30 2009, 04:55:03 UTC
Do not try to bullshit the librarian. "That good, huh?"


black_canaryii July 30 2009, 04:59:18 UTC
"Do we really have to get into this now? I just have to get my mind off things, you know?" she ran and lept to the building adjacent to her, landing awkwardly on an edge. Perhaps pigging out had been a bad idea, after all.

"Seriously, what's new, Oracle? I'd much hear about what's been going on in my absence."


nation_jsa July 31 2009, 01:24:59 UTC
Dr. Pieter Cross was only in Gotham for a medical conference. He'd brought his costume with him as a precaution -- not unlike an umbrella, leaving it at home would likely result in the need for it -- but he was perfectly willing to let the Gotham heroes handle their own city.

Which wasn't the same thing as saying that he'd remain in his hotel room for the entire conference.

As he walked around the city, he kept an ear out for trouble and also for people in need of the kind of help he could offer as Pieter Cross. And as he did that, another portion of his brain devoted itself to the subject of Dinah Lance.

I ought to call her, he mused. At least to let her know I'm in town.

But really, he was hoping she'd call him. He didn't want to put any sort of pressure on her at this point. Something had made her shy off, and the last thing he wanted to do was make it worse.


black_canaryii July 31 2009, 01:34:22 UTC
With a smirk, she began to step out of the shadows.

Then suddenly, she stopped. Dead in her tracks. She couldn't move. She heard nothing. Felt her entire body grow cold. She'd been in sticky situations before, but this pretty much took the cake. If only because she was dealing with her heart--something she was never that great with.

What is he DOING here? she thought, feeling returning to her body as her heart sped up.

She couldn't just stay down here, she could hear the sound of a window breaking from the 25th floor of that derelict, brick building that she was supposed to be busting into right about now to deal with whatever domestic disturbance was going on--but she was frozen in her spot, staring at Pieter across the street, passing by while she remained in the shadows.

"Pieter," she whispered to herself as she slowly stepped from the alleyway, as if mesmerized ( ... )


nation_jsa July 31 2009, 02:29:42 UTC
The sound of breaking glass and screaming caught the attention of the good doctor as well, and he reflexively turned toward the sound.

He heard the sound of boot-shod feet running toward the building as the woman they belonged to rushed right past him and--

Oh. Oh, he knew that scent.


Or, more likely, the Black Canary. Perhaps this situation called more for Dr. Mid-Nite than Dr. Cross.


black_canaryii July 31 2009, 03:48:06 UTC
Dinah bounded up the building as quickly as possible, grabbing ahold of ledges and pipes as if she were on a simple rock wall. "Hold on!" she yelled out to the pair hanging precariously out of the window. She bounded into the building from one of the windows and ran through the building, listening for the correct room. Upon finding it, she kicked in the door and ran to the man, struggling to pull the woman into the window and helped him pull her up, careful not to cut the woman on the shards of glass.

Suddenly, as soon as the woman was pulled in, the man turned on Dinah, swinging at her, managing to land one huge fist hard on her face, knocking her back as he shouted "This is between US! I had everything under control, woman ( ... )


the_cute_speedy August 5 2009, 04:26:23 UTC
Dinah wasn't quite a mother figure to Mia, but she was definitely somewhere between the cool big sister and fun aunt. Mia owed it to her to keep in touch, Titans business or not. Hoping to catch her somewhere between patrol and rest, Mia dialed Dinah's cell.


black_canaryii August 5 2009, 23:28:11 UTC
Dinah jumpped at the vibrations in her jacket. She swore this damn thing was more of a hazard than a help sometimes. She reached into her jacket and pulled out the small device, and pressed accept as soon as she saw the number. "Hello, Mia," she greeted in a warm, friendly voice.


the_cute_speedy August 6 2009, 03:19:57 UTC
"Hey Dee, how's it going?" Mia grins, flopping back on her bed, glad her call got through. "Ollie's out for the night and I'm not on patrol for a few hours, so I'm just calling to see how Gotham's treating you so far."


black_canaryii August 6 2009, 03:58:01 UTC
"It's going--slowly but surely. I'm just trying to get back into the swing of things here." She took a deep breath, running her fingers anxiously through her hair. "Gotham is know how it is. How are you doing, Mia? I'm sorry that I don't call as often as I should...."


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