One of the advantages to being best friends with Dick Grayson is that it gives you access to one of the best computer-people in the world. When you're a foreign noble living in the United States, and your previous wife is dead (but no body was left behind), and the woman you want to marry was dead for 11 years... things get complicated
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"Dick's out right now, Garth. I can tell him to call you later."
"You're going to hate to hear this, but it might be less of a hassle to live in blissful sin for a bit more. Atlantis as a government only sends things like death certificates through Sub Diego when they feel like it. Anything regarding you they may not feel like."
There's a long pause. "I guess getting the records can't be any more of a questionable process then what I had to do for Kory and Hugo to get legally married."
"Think you could manage it? I'd like it done as soon as possible. By this weekend, if it can be done."
"You're welcome." She hopes.
But, a nagging voice asks. Where were they all when the Parkthorne blew up? All of them were off somewhere except Wally, and he was brain spored within an inch of his life. Yet even in that haze of quiting the JLA to be with Poison Ivy after his divorce he was still close to her husband in a way she can't even describe. They all treated her like family, even Kory (especially Kory), but it was like their kind of family - not her kind. Frankly, it made her uncomfortable and she couldn't pin down why.
Gypsy jumps into her lap and she strokes the little cat thoughtfully with one hand while with the other she picks up her wedding picture.
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