A Day In The Life

Jan 18, 2009 02:59

Even when he was off doing the worst of his brooding, Wally had never entirely stopped doing his patrols. Maybe a little more infrequently and a little faster than usual, but he'd still done them. Now that he was trying to get his life back on track, patrols were the easy part to pick up ( Read more... )

max mercury, flash wally west, "wally & jay's excellent adventure", flash jay garrick

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nation_citizens January 18 2009, 03:35:24 UTC
Something blurs on the edge of his vision, like there's something trying to come into focus the faster he goes.


madeof_goesfast January 18 2009, 03:39:41 UTC
That's...weird. To say the least. Wally didn't stop straight away, mostly because doing so could cause one hell of a shock wave. But he did slow a bit, trying to see if it actually was there or not.


nation_citizens January 18 2009, 03:41:25 UTC
It flickers and fades.

Odd. It's almost as if he can see it better when he goes faster.


madeof_goesfast January 18 2009, 03:45:12 UTC
Which may or may not be all the more reason to keep slowing down.

He didn't think about it very long, though. Wally never had been known for playing things safe, though it's easier when you can run away faster than things can happen to you, generally. It's only a few moments before he starts pushing his speed up again, trying to get a clearer picture of what's going on.


nation_citizens January 18 2009, 03:56:16 UTC
It gets clearer, a human shape, running alongside him, but the speed he's running at as he tries to see it starts to get dangerous.

The Speed Force has something of a siren song for speedsters. It's always trying to call them home.

"...ally...have to...art...Ja..."

But the figure is trying to speak to him.

"...ival is...ing...kill...Barr...ins."


madeof_goesfast January 18 2009, 04:12:54 UTC
It could be that the Speed Force has picked up a new trick or two. Though that might be assigning a little too much sentience to it. Wally's being as careful as he can, but too much faster and he's not getting out of this.

Wally. His name. Art is probably Bart. Jay is recognizable. -ival...there aren't a lot of words that end with that. Kill he recognizes.

The last bit, though? "I'm sorry, it almost sounded like you said 'brains' there. Am I talking to a zombie?" Barr-

No. Barry.

He does a quick mental calculation. He's getting way too close to the Speed Force. He knows he is. But he might be able to get a little closer, maybe make out more. Or, rather, he has to. He needs to understand the message.

Wally pushes himself just a little faster. Just a little closer and, hopefully, a little clearer as well.


nation_citizens January 18 2009, 04:38:32 UTC
"...Wally, you have to...Bart...need Jay..."


madeof_goesfast January 18 2009, 04:42:58 UTC
It was making more sense. He needed to get Jay. Something about Bart. Going fast enough to make all of that out would be a bad, bad idea, though. "Why?" he asked, though he figured the message might just repeat. "Who are you?"


nation_citizens January 18 2009, 05:00:35 UTC
"An...ld friend."

The figure isn't just repeating. He was repeating to make sure he was heard, but he's figuring this out, figuring out how to reach out as he'd always reached in. If anyone could figure out how to work the Speed Force in this way, it was him...


ahwehota January 18 2009, 05:05:01 UTC
...The Zen Master of Speed.

His form coalesces and solidifies as Max figures out how to reach out far enough so that Wally won't be pulled in, and then the Flash can see him, exactly the way he looked when he'd been pulled into the Speed Force.

Max Mercury knows that he'll likely be heard now; Wally is clearer on his end as well.

"I'm afraid this isn't a social call, Wally."


madeof_goesfast January 18 2009, 14:22:34 UTC
It's long, long experience with shocks and the knowledge of what it might do to the world around him that keeps Wally running. He keeps his speed steady, though a grin spreads over his face at the same time. "Social call or not, it's good to see you, Max."

Or not. Because for him to be doing this, things must be pretty damned dire. Which is why Wally sobers almost immediately. "What's up?"


ahwehota January 18 2009, 23:23:22 UTC
"The Speed Force is threaded through all places and times, Wally, and I've been learning to look out, just as I used to look in. All of time is about to change, due to someone altering the timeline, and it's going to happen today. They need to be stopped."


madeof_goesfast January 18 2009, 23:35:58 UTC
"Today?" Wally let out a low whistle. "Doesn't leave us a lot of time, here." And would have left them less if he hadn't decided to stretch his legs, as it were. "What are we looking at? Because I really need to be able to explain it."

It was important. But if he didn't know what they needed to do, it wasn't much help.


ahwehota January 18 2009, 23:38:22 UTC
"The Rival's going to the future. He's going to try to kill Barry's twins. Which means..."


madeof_goesfast January 18 2009, 23:42:49 UTC
"Which means Bart won't be born." He was cursing in the back of his head, but he couldn't indulge in it yet. "Okay. We're going to have to get there. Warn Barry." If Max had come to him instead of going straight to Barry, there had to be a reason. "Stop the Rival. Save the future and the past. Sure. No problem."


ahwehota January 18 2009, 23:53:09 UTC
"Jay knows him best, and I'm learning how to reach out of the Speed Force just like I used to reach in; I'll try to stay with you to help where I can. Barry, in that time isn't using his speed as much, and somehow, the Rival knew I was watching, perhaps since he's inhabiting my body. He managed to block me off before I could warn Barry."


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